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import os

import numpy as np
import PIL.Image
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from flask import Flask
from io import BytesIO
import wand.image
Jamy Mahabier's avatar
Jamy Mahabier committed
from zesje.scans import decode_barcode, ExamMetadata, ExtractedBarcode
from zesje.database import db, _generate_exam_token
from zesje.database import Exam, ExamWidget, Submission
Jamy Mahabier's avatar
Jamy Mahabier committed
from zesje import scans
from zesje import pdf_generation

# Returns the original image instead of retrieving a box from it
def mock_get_box_return_original(monkeypatch, datadir):
    def mock_return(image, widget, padding):
        return image
Jamy Mahabier's avatar
Jamy Mahabier committed
    monkeypatch.setattr(scans, 'get_box', mock_return)
# Return a mock DB which can be used in the testing enviroment
# Module scope ensures it is ran only once
def db_setup():
    app = Flask(__name__, static_folder=None)
        SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS=False  # Suppress future deprecation warning
    return app

# Fixture which empties the database
def db_empty(db_setup):
    with db_setup.app_context():
    return db_setup
# Tests whether the output of calc angle is correct
@pytest.mark.parametrize('image_filename, token, expected', [
    ('COOLTOKEN_0005_01.png', 'COOLTOKEN',
        ExtractedBarcode('COOLTOKEN',   5,   1)),
    ('COOLTOKEN_0050_10.png', 'COOLTOKEN',
        ExtractedBarcode('COOLTOKEN',   50, 10)),
    ('TOKENCOOL_9999_99.png', 'TOKENCOOL',
        ExtractedBarcode('TOKENCOOL', 9999, 99))],
    ids=['Simple test 1', 'Simple test 2', 'High numbers'])
def test_decode_barcode(
        datadir, image_filename, token,
        expected, mock_get_box_return_original):

    image_path = os.path.join(datadir, 'datamatrices', image_filename)

    exam_config = ExamMetadata(
    image = np.array(
    assert decode_barcode(image, exam_config) == (expected, False)
# Page Generation Functions

def generate_page(width=592, height=842):
    Generate blank page
    by default 72 DPI such that pixels match points
    pdf = np.zeros((height, width))
    return PIL.Image.fromarray(pdf).convert("RGB")

def generate_multiple_pages(pages=5):
    return [generate_page() for _ in range(pages)]

# Helper functions

def new_exam(db_empty):
    Default code for generating a database entry
    This needs to be ran at the start of every pipeline test
    TODO: rewrite to a fixture
    with db_empty.app_context():
        token = _generate_exam_token()
        e = Exam(name="testExam", token=token)
        sub = Submission(copy_number=145, exam=e)
        widget = ExamWidget(exam=e, name='student_id_widget', x=0, y=0)
        exam_config = ExamMetadata(
            barcode_coords=[40, 90, 510, 560],  # in points (not pixels!)
        db.session.add_all([e, sub, widget])

    # Push the current app context for all tests so the database can be used
    return exam_config

def generate_pdf(exam_config, pages):
    token = exam_config.token
    datamatrix_x = exam_config.barcode_coords[2]
    datamatrix_y = exam_config.barcode_coords[0]
    pdf = generate_multiple_pages(pages)  # Returns PIL white paper
    with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.pdf') as blank, \
            NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.pdf') as generated:
        pdf[0].save(, save_all=True, append_images=pdf[1:])
  , token, [145], [],
            200, 200, datamatrix_x, datamatrix_y)
        genPDF = makeflatpdf(
        return genPDF

def makeflatpdf(pdf):
    with wand.image.Image(file=open(pdf, 'rb')) as img:
        images = [wand.image.Image(i) for i in img.sequence]
        for image in images:
            image.format = 'jpg'
        output_pdf = wand.image.Image()
        for image in images:
        return output_pdf

def makeImage(img):
    images = [wand.image.Image(i) for i in img.sequence]
    for image in images:
        img ="png")))
        img = img.convert('RGB')
        yield img

# Noise transformations

def apply_whitenoise(img, threshold=0.02):
    pix = np.array(img)
    noise = 1 - threshold * np.random.rand(*pix.shape)
    data = pix * noise
    return PIL.Image.fromarray(np.uint8(data))

def apply_scan(img, rotation=0, scale=1, skew=(0, 0)):
    Function which can apply different scanning artifacts
    These artifacts include rotation, scaling and skewing
    img: PIL Image, input image
    rotation: int, Degrees (rotates counterclockwise)
    scale: float, scaling factor w.r.t. img
    skew: int tuple (dx, dy), displace img with dx and dy
    width, height = img.size
    dst ="RGBA", img.size, "white")
    new_size = (int(scale * width), int(scale * height))
    img = img.convert("RGBA")
    img = img.resize(new_size, resample=1)
    img = img.rotate(rotation)
    dst.paste(img, skew, mask=img)
    return dst.convert("RGB")

# Pipeline tests:
# General strucuture:
#     1. Make/clean Database
#     2. Make database entry
#     3. Generate PDF with DB token
#     4. Yield generated pdf pages
#     5. Apply transormations (optional)
#     6. Verify scans can be read (or not)

def test_pipeline(new_exam, datadir):
    genPDF = generate_pdf(new_exam, 5)
    for image in makeImage(genPDF):
        success, reason = scans.process_page(image, new_exam, datadir)
        assert success is True, reason

@pytest.mark.parametrize('threshold, expected', [
    (0.02, True),
    (0.12, True),
    (0.92, False)],
    ids=['Low noise', 'Medium noise', 'High noise'])
def test_noise(new_exam, datadir, threshold, expected):
    genPDF = generate_pdf(new_exam, 1)
    for image in makeImage(genPDF):
        image = apply_whitenoise(image, threshold)
        success, reason = scans.process_page(image, new_exam, datadir)
        assert success is expected, reason

@pytest.mark.parametrize('rotation, expected', [
    (-2, True),
    (0.5, True),
    (0.8, True),
    (2, False)],
    ids=['Large rot', 'Small rot', 'Medium rot', 'failing rot'])
def test_rotate(new_exam, datadir, rotation, expected):
    genPDF = generate_pdf(new_exam, 1)
    for image in makeImage(genPDF):
        image = apply_scan(img=image, rotation=rotation)
        success, reason = scans.process_page(image, new_exam, datadir)
        assert success is expected, reason

@pytest.mark.parametrize('scale, expected', [
    (0.99, True),
    (1.1, False)],
    ids=['smaller scale', 'larger scale'])
def test_scale(new_exam, datadir, scale, expected):
    genPDF = generate_pdf(new_exam, 1)
    for image in makeImage(genPDF):
        image = apply_scan(img=image, scale=scale)
        success, reason = scans.process_page(image, new_exam, datadir)
        assert success is expected, reason

@pytest.mark.parametrize('skew, expected', [
    ((10, 10), True),
    ((-10, -5), True)],
    ids=['small skew', 'larger skew'])
def test_skew(new_exam, datadir, skew, expected):
    genPDF = generate_pdf(new_exam, 1)
    for image in makeImage(genPDF):
        image = apply_scan(img=image, skew=skew)
        success, reason = scans.process_page(image, new_exam, datadir)
        assert success is expected, reason

@pytest.mark.parametrize('rotation, scale, skew, expected', [
    (0.5, 0.99, (10, 10), True),
    (0.5, 1.01, (-10, -5), True)],
    ids=['1st full test', 'second full test'])
def test_all_effects(
        new_exam, datadir, rotation,
        scale, skew, expected):
    genPDF = generate_pdf(new_exam, 1)
    for image in makeImage(genPDF):
        image = apply_scan(
            img=image, rotation=rotation, scale=scale, skew=skew)
        success, reason = scans.process_page(image, new_exam, datadir)
        assert success is expected, reason

@pytest.mark.parametrize('filename', [
    ids=['blank pdf', 'flattened pdf'])
def test_image_extraction(datadir, filename):
    file = os.path.join(datadir, filename)
    page = 0
    for img, pagenr in scans.extract_images(file):
        page += 1
        assert pagenr == page
        assert img is not None
        assert np.average(np.array(img)) == 255
    assert page == 2