Joseph Weston authoredJoseph Weston authored
Welcome to Zesje
Zesje is an online grading system for written exams.
Setting up a development environment
We recommend using the Conda tool for managing your development environment. If you already have Anaconda or Miniconda installed, you may skip this step.
Install Miniconda by following the instructions on this page:
Create a Conda environment that you will use for installing all of zesje's dependencies:
conda create -c conda-forge -n zesje-dev python=3.6 yarn
Then, activate the conda environment:
conda activate zesje-dev
You should see (zesje-dev)
inserted into your shell prompt.
This tells you that the environment is activated.
Install all of the Javascript dependencies:
yarn install
Install all of the Python dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt
Unfortunately there is also another dependency that must be installed manually for now (we are working to bring this dependency into the Conda ecosystem). You can install this dependency in the following way on different platforms:
OS | Command |
macOS | brew install libdmtx |
Debian/Ubuntu | sudo apt install libdmtx0a |
Arch | pacman -S libdmtx |
Fedora | dnf install libdmtx |
openSUSE | zypper install libdmtx0 |
Windows | not necessary |
Running a development server
Activate your zesje development environment and run
yarn dev
to start the development server, which you can access on
It will automatically reload whenever you change any source files in client/
or zesje/
Running the tests
You can run the tests by running
yarn test
Building and running the production version
Code style
Adhere to PEP8, but use a column width of 120 characters (instead of 79).
If you followed the instructions above, the linter flake8
is installed in your virtual environment. If you use Visual Studio Code, install the Python extension and add the following lines to your workspace settings:
"python.linting.pylintEnabled": false,
"python.linting.flake8Enabled": true,
"[python]": {
"editor.rulers": [120]
If you use Atom, install the linter-flake8 plugin and add the following lines to your config:
"preferredLineLength": 120
Adhere to StandardJS.
If you use Visual Studio Code, install the vscode-standardjs plugin.
If you use Atom, install the linter-js-standard-engine plugin.
Adding dependencies
If you start using a new Python library, be sure to add it to requirements.txt
. Python libraries for the testing are in requirements-dev.txt
The packages can be installed and updated in your environment by pip
pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt
Yarn keeps track of all the client-side dependancies in package.json
when you install new packages with yarn add [packageName]
. Yarn will install and update your packages if your run
yarn install
Zesje is licensed under AGPLv3, which can be found in LICENSE
. An summary of this license with it's permissions, conditions and limitations can be found here.