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  • kwant/website
  • jbweston/website
  • basnijholt/website
  • r-j-skolasinski/website
  • marwahaha/website
5 results
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Commits on Source (15)
......@@ -2,19 +2,20 @@ image: kwant/website-deploy
- nikola build
- mkdir -p ~/.ssh
- chmod 700 ~/.ssh
- eval $(ssh-agent -s)
- mkdir -p ~/.ssh
- echo $TEST_WEBSITE_KEY > deploy_key && sed -i 's/\r /\n/g' deploy_key && chmod 600 deploy_key
- echo "$TEST_WEBSITE_KEY" | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add -
- nikola deploy
- master
- mkdir -p ~/.ssh
- echo $MASTER_WEBSITE_KEY > deploy_key && sed -i 's/\r /\n/g' deploy_key && chmod 600 deploy_key
- nikola deploy
- echo "$MASTER_WEBSITE_KEY" | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add -
- nikola deploy master
- master
......@@ -373,17 +373,23 @@ REDIRECTIONS = []
# rsync is used to send documentation to our web servers: we never send any
# secret information, and using 'ssh-keyscan' causes the CI server's IP to
# be blacklisted, so we specify "StrictHostKeyChecking=no".
SSH_OPTS = ["StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null",
SSH_OPTS = ["StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"]
SSH_OPTS = ' '.join('-o ' + opt for opt in SSH_OPTS)
'default': [
"rsync -rlv -e 'ssh {} -i deploy_key' --delete "
"--filter 'P doc/*' --filter 'P extensions/*' output/*"
"rsync -rlv -e 'ssh {}' --delete "
"--filter 'P doc/*' --filter 'P extensions/*' output/*"
"rsync -lv -e 'ssh {} -i deploy_key' htaccess-apache"
"rsync -lv -e 'ssh {}' htaccess-apache"
'master': [
"rsync -rlv -e 'ssh {}' --delete "
"--filter 'P doc/*' --filter 'P extensions/*' output/*"
"rsync -lv -e 'ssh {}' htaccess-apache"
The Kwant community
The Kwant project is an international collaboration. Everybody is welcome to
participate in the community by asking and replying to questions, reporting
bugs, providing suggestions, and `contributing to the code and documentation
The Kwant project is an international collaboration.
Everybody is welcome to participate in the community
by asking and replying to questions, reporting bugs, providing suggestions,
and `contributing to the code and documentation </contribute.html>`_.
The Kwant community uses three public communication channels:
the mailing list for generic discussions, questions, and announcements;
the gitlab instance for development discussions and reporting bugs;
and the chat for real-time discussions related to development.
A list of `Kwant authors </authors>`_ is included in the documentation.
Please only contact the authors directly for matters that cannot be discussed
in public on one of the mailing lists.
Please contact the authors directly only for matters that cannot be discussed on the public channels.
Mailing list
The kwant-discuss mailing list is the main public communication platform for
anything related to Kwant: questions, discussions, development, and
announcements. (Bug reports may be also sent, but the preferred way is
described further below on this page.) You can use it in various ways:
- .. raw:: html
<form class="form-inline" method="get" action="">
<div class="input-group col-md-8">
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search query" size=25 name="q">
<input type="hidden" name="l" value="">
<span class="input-group-btn">
<input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" value="Search kwant-discuss">
- to subscribe and receive new messages by email: either use the form on the
`kwant-discuss info page
<>`_ or simply send
a message to (The subject and content
are ignored and may be empty.) To unsubscribe, either use the form at the
bottom of the info page, or send any message to
- You may follow the list through a web interface that also provides a RSS
feed: `kwant-discuss on Mail-archive
- Whether you are subscribed or not, you may post on the list simply by sending
email to
- Please do not hesitate to join the discussion. It’s easy to reply to a
posting even if you are not subscribed (or receiving digests): (1) open the
article in the mail-archive web interface, (2) click on the button “Reply via
email to” at the bottom of the page, (3) add the above list address under
The `Kwant development mailing list
<>`_ has been retired
in 2019. Please use the main list instead, or the other communication channels
listed below (chat and gitlab). The archives of kwant-devel remain searchable:
.. raw:: html
<form class="form-inline" method="get" action="">
<div class="input-group col-md-8">
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search query" size=25 name="q">
<input type="hidden" name="l" value="">
<span class="input-group-btn">
<input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" value="Search kwant-devel">
The kwant-discuss mailing list is the main public communication platform for anything related to Kwant:
questions, discussions, development, and announcements.
It may be used both as a web forum and as a classical mailing list.
The `kwant-discuss web interface <>`_
allows to follow discussions and search the archives.
To start a new discussion thread, you may either use the web interface
(sign-in required)
or write directly to
In order to avoid spam,
messages of unsubscribed participants are held for moderation.
Similarly, replying is possible either by mail
(if you received the post to which you want reply by mail),
or using the web interface:
the “reply” button under each message allows to compose directly
(for signed-in users),
or triggers a reply by mail (otherwise).
You may subscribe to receive posts to the list by mail.
Subscription is done either through the
`kwant-discuss info page
or by sending any message to
(The subject and content are ignored and may be empty.)
To unsubscribe, either use the info page,
or send any message to
List etiquette :
- When asking questions,
`help others to help you <>`_.
In particular, use the search function before posting.
- When replying, please avoid quoting the complete original message.
Instead, consider
`bottom-posting <>`_.
Announcements mailing list
This read-only list is reserved for important announcements like new releases of
Kwant. Only a few messages will be sent per year. These announcements will be also posted on the main mailing list, so there is no need to subscribe to both lists. We recommend every user of Kwant to subscribe at least to this list in order to stay informed about new developments.
This read-only list is used for important announcements like new releases of Kwant.
Only a few messages are sent per year.
These announcements are also posted on the main mailing list,
so there is no need to subscribe to both lists.
We recommend every user of Kwant to subscribe at least to this list in order to stay informed about new developments.
- View archives: `kwant-announce on Mail-archive <>`_. Mail-archive provides RSS feeds.
The `kwant-announce archives <>`_
are available on the web.
- There are two ways to subscribe: either use the form on the `kwant-announce
info page <>`_ or
simply send any message to (The subject
and content are ignored and may be empty.) To unsubscribe, either use the
form at the bottom of the info page, or send any message to
To subscribe, either use the form on the `kwant-announce info page <>`_
or simply send any message to
(The subject and content are ignored and may be empty.)
To unsubscribe, either use the info page, or send any message to
Development chat
The Kwant developer chat is accessible to the community via `Gitter
<>`_. Come say hi if you would like to get
involved with developing Kwant!
The Kwant developer chat is accessible to the community via `Gitter <>`_.
Come say hi if you would like to get involved with developing Kwant!
Gitlab instance
The Kwant project runs a `gitlab instance <>`_
that hosts the `main Kwant code repository
<>`_ as well as the `repositories of
related projects <>`_. The gitlab
instance is used for reporting bugs (see next section) and `development
that hosts the `main Kwant code repository <>`_
as well as the `repositories of related projects <>`_.
The gitlab instance is used for reporting bugs (see next section) and `development </contribute.html>`_
Reporting bugs
If you encounter a problem with Kwant, first try to reproduce it with as
simple a system as possible. Double-check with the documentation that what
you observe is actually a bug in Kwant. If you think it is, please check `the
list of known bugs in Kwant
<>`_. It
may be also a good idea to search or ask on the general mailing list. (You can
use the search box at the top of this page.)
If you encounter a problem with Kwant,
first try to reproduce it with as simple a system as possible.
Double-check with the documentation that what you observe is actually a bug in Kwant.
If you think it is, please check `the list of known bugs in Kwant <>`_.
It may be also a good idea to search or ask on the general mailing list.
(You can use the search box at the top of this page.)
If after checking you still think that you have found a bug, please add it to
the above-mentioned list of bugs by creating an issue with the “bug” label. A
......@@ -40,4 +40,7 @@ models with a strong focus on quantum transport.
<a href="/doc/1/tutorial/spectrum#band-structure-calculations"> Explore band structure </a>
<a href=""> Simulate time-dependent problems </a>
......@@ -61,23 +61,21 @@ building `from source <#building-from-source>`_.
Debian and derivatives
The easiest way to install Kwant on a Debian system is using the pre-built
packages we provide. We target Debian "stable" and Debian "testing", but our
packages may also work on many other recent Debian-derived distributions as
packages we provide. We target Debian "stable", but our packages may also work
on many other recent Debian-derived distributions as well.
The following instructions will install Kwant on Debian stable "stretch".
The following instructions will install Kwant on Debian stable "buster".
They need to be executed as root.
(To install on Debian testing "buster", repace "stretch-backports" with "testing".)
1. Add the following lines to ``/etc/apt/sources.list``::
deb stretch-backports main
deb stretch-backports main
deb-src stretch-backports main
deb buster main
deb buster main
deb-src buster main
2. (Optional) Add the OpenPGP key used to sign the repositories by executing::
apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key C3F147F5980F3535
apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key C3F147F5980F3535
The fingerprint of the key is 5229 9057 FAD7 9965 3C4F 088A C3F1 47F5 980F
......@@ -85,10 +83,7 @@ They need to be executed as root.
3. Update the package data, and install Kwant::
apt-get update
apt-get -t stretch-backports install python3-kwant python-kwant-doc
The ``python-kwant-doc`` package is optional and installs the HTML
documentation of Kwant in the directory ``/usr/share/doc/python-kwant-doc``.
apt-get install python3-kwant
Ubuntu and derivatives
......@@ -98,12 +93,10 @@ packages we provide. Execute the following commands in a terminal::
sudo apt-add-repository -s ppa:kwant-project/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-kwant python-kwant-doc
sudo apt-get install python3-kwant
This should provide up-to-date Kwant for all recent versions of Ubuntu,
up to at least the last LTS version. The HTML
documentation will be installed locally in the directory
up to at least the last LTS version.
Debian or Ubuntu: building packages from source
......@@ -129,7 +122,7 @@ Then, compile Tinyarray and Kwant. This may be done as a normal user. ::
Finally, install the built packages (again as root)::
dpkg --install python3-tinyarray_*.deb
dpkg --install python3-kwant_*.deb python-kwant-doc_*.deb
dpkg --install python3-kwant_*.deb
Arch Linux
......@@ -165,7 +158,20 @@ whenever possible.
Microsoft Windows
Windows packages for Kwant are kindly provided by Chrisoph Gohlke.
`Pre-built packages <#conda>`_ for Microsoft Windows exist for the Conda
package manager, which is a part of the ``Anaconda`` Python distribution.
Using Conda is the recommended way to install Kwant on Microsoft Windows.
We previously recommended using that Kwant packages built by
Christoph Gohlke, however due to the complexity of the installation
instructions the Conda packages are preferred. Installation of the
package provided by Christoph Gohlke is only needed if the integration
with MUMPS is required (as this is still not available for the Conda packages).
The instructions for installing the alternative package are included below
Alternative Package
The following instructions explain how to install the official version
of Python 3, Kwant, and its dependencies.
......@@ -232,12 +238,15 @@ repository. For example, you might want to install `IPython
<>`_ and its various
dependencies so that you can use the `IPython notebook <>`_.)
If you do not want to use the Conda packages, you can always install Kwant
using `pip`_. Or by directly `building from source`_.
Conda is the package manager for the Anaconda Python distribution.
Kwant currently has Conda packages for GNU/Linux and Mac OS X platforms.
Kwant currently has Conda packages for GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows.
1. Download the Python 3.6 version of `Anaconda <>`_ for
your platform and install it.
......@@ -250,12 +259,6 @@ Kwant currently has Conda packages for GNU/Linux and Mac OS X platforms.
``conda-forge`` channel.
The latest development build of Kwant can be installed from the ``kwant``
channel (only availible for GNU/Linux)::
conda install -c kwant kwant
.. caution::
.. title: Improved web interface for the mailing list
.. slug: improved-interface-for-mailing-list
.. date: 2020-05-28 20:00:00 UTC
.. category:
.. type: text
The Kwant mailing list has been migrated to a new server that provides a much-improved web interface.
In May 2020, thanks to the friendly people at,
kwant-discuss was migrated to a server running Mailman 3.
The list remains a mailing list (existing subscriptions continue),
but now also offers a modern web interface that is similar to a web forum.
The complete archives were migrated and are now searchable.
Please see the `“community” section </community>`_ of this site for usage information.
The `old address of the list <>`_ remains usable: any messages are simply redirected to the new one.
.. title: Release of TKwant 1.0
.. slug: release-of-tkwant-1-0
.. date: 2020-09-08 15:00:00 UTC
.. category: release-announcement
.. type: text
We are pleased to announce the first release of TKwant,
a Kwant extension for time-resolved quantum transport.
A system is defined in TKwant in the same way as in Kwant except that some terms in the Hamiltonian may depend on the time parameter. Any system that can be studied in Kwant can be studied with TKwant as well. Typical problems where TKwant can be used include the propagation of voltage pulses, spectroscopy of interferometers, Floquet topological insulators, time resolved Andreev reflection and more.
An introduction to TKwant can be found in `TKwant paper <>`_. The software itself and
its tutorials are available on the `TKwant website <>`_.