Learner1D could in some situations return -inf as loss improvement, which would make balancinglearner never choose to improve
The following discussion from !99 (merged) should be addressed:
@basnijholt started a discussion: (+2 comments)
to show an example: try running:
import adaptive
import numpy as np
# if we would define f1 to have some features in the interval -1,0 we would never see them using the balancinglearner
def f1(x):
return -1 if x <= 0.1 else 1
def f2(x):
return x**2
l1 = adaptive.Learner1D(f1, (-1, 1))
l2 = adaptive.Learner1D(f2, (-1, 1))
# now let's create the balancinglearner and do some balancing :D
bl = adaptive.BalancingLearner([l1, l2])
for i in range(1000):
xs, _ = bl.ask(1)
x, = xs
y = bl.function(x)
bl.tell(x, y)
asked = l1.ask(1, add_data=False)
print(f"l1 requested {asked}, but since loss_improvement is -inf, \n\tbalancinglearner will never choose this")
print(f"npoints: l1: {l1.npoints}, l2: {l2.npoints}, almost all points are added to l2")
print(f"loss(): l1: {l1.loss()}, l2: {l2.loss()}, the actual loss of l1 is much higher than l2.loss")
l1.plot() + l2.plot()
this will output:
l1 requested ([0.10000000000000009], [-inf]), but since loss_improvement is -inf,
balancinglearner will never choose this
npoints: l1: 53, l2: 947, almost all points are added to l2
loss(): l1: 1.0, l2: 0.003584776382870768, the actual loss of l1 is much higher than l2.loss
I also have a notebook here: bug_learner1d_infinite_loss_improvement.ipynb that constructs what is happening artificially and indicates on why this happens a bit more.
The reason why this happens:
the interval is bigger than _dx_eps
, so it has a finite loss associated with it. When asked to improve, it finds that by dividing this interval, it creates two intervals which are smaller than dx_eps
, so it claims the loss_improvement
is -inf
. Which results in the balancinglearner always choosing another learner to add a point (this second bug is a result of the first one).
the problem with the balancinglearner can be solved by solving #103 (closed) however, the underlying issue (returning -inf as loss_improvement) is then still not really solved, although one will almost never notice anymore.