utils.py 5.51 KiB
import inspect
from copy import copy
from itertools import product
from typing import Callable
from pymf.tb.tb import tb_type
import kwant
import kwant.lattice
import kwant.builder
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import coo_array
def builder_to_tb(
builder: kwant.builder.Builder, params: dict = {}, return_data: bool = False
) -> tb_type:
"""Construct a tight-binding dictionary from a `kwant.builder.Builder` system.
builder :
system to convert to tight-binding dictionary.
params :
Dictionary of parameters to evaluate the builder on.
return_data :
Returns dictionary with sites and number of orbitals per site.
Tight-binding dictionary that corresponds to the builder.
Data with sites and number of orbitals. Only if `return_data=True`.
builder = copy(builder)
# Extract information from builder
dims = len(builder.symmetry.periods)
onsite_idx = tuple([0] * dims)
h_0 = {}
sites_list = [*builder.sites()]
norbs_list = [site[0].norbs for site in builder.sites()]
positions_list = [site[0].pos for site in builder.sites()]
norbs_tot = sum(norbs_list)
# Extract onsite and hopping matrices.
# Based on `kwant.wraparound.wraparound`
# Onsite matrices
for site, val in builder.site_value_pairs():
site = builder.symmetry.to_fd(site)
atom = sites_list.index(site)
row = np.sum(norbs_list[:atom]) + range(norbs_list[atom])
col = copy(row)
row, col = np.array([*product(row, col)]).T
for arg in inspect.getfullargspec(val).args:
_params = {}
if arg in params:
_params[arg] = params[arg]
val = val(site, **_params)
data = val.flatten()
except Exception:
data = val.flatten()
if onsite_idx in h_0:
h_0[onsite_idx] += coo_array(
(data, (row, col)), shape=(norbs_tot, norbs_tot)
h_0[onsite_idx] = coo_array(
(data, (row, col)), shape=(norbs_tot, norbs_tot)
# Hopping matrices
for hop, val in builder.hopping_value_pairs():
a, b = hop
b_dom = builder.symmetry.which(b)
b_fd = builder.symmetry.to_fd(b)
atoms = np.array([sites_list.index(a), sites_list.index(b_fd)])
row, col = [
np.sum(norbs_list[: atoms[0]]) + range(norbs_list[atoms[0]]),
np.sum(norbs_list[: atoms[1]]) + range(norbs_list[atoms[1]]),
row, col = np.array([*product(row, col)]).T
for arg in inspect.getfullargspec(val).args:
_params = {}
if arg in params:
_params[arg] = params[arg]
val = val(a, b, **_params)
data = val.flatten()
except Exception:
data = val.flatten()
if tuple(b_dom) in h_0:
h_0[tuple(b_dom)] += coo_array(
(data, (row, col)), shape=(norbs_tot, norbs_tot)
if np.linalg.norm(b_dom) == 0:
h_0[tuple(b_dom)] += (
coo_array((data, (row, col)), shape=(norbs_tot, norbs_tot))
# Hopping vector in the opposite direction
h_0[tuple(-b_dom)] += (
coo_array((data, (row, col)), shape=(norbs_tot, norbs_tot))
h_0[tuple(b_dom)] = coo_array(
(data, (row, col)), shape=(norbs_tot, norbs_tot)
if np.linalg.norm(b_dom) == 0:
h_0[tuple(b_dom)] += (
coo_array((data, (row, col)), shape=(norbs_tot, norbs_tot))
h_0[tuple(-b_dom)] = (
coo_array((data, (row, col)), shape=(norbs_tot, norbs_tot))
if return_data:
data = {}
data["norbs"] = norbs_list
data["positions"] = positions_list
return h_0, data
return h_0
def build_interacting_syst(
builder: kwant.builder.Builder,
lattice: kwant.lattice.Polyatomic,
func_onsite: Callable,
func_hop: Callable,
max_neighbor: int = 1,
) -> kwant.builder.Builder:
Construct an auxiliary `kwant` system that encodes the interactions.
builder :
Non-interacting `kwant.builder.Builder` system.
lattice :
Lattice of the system.
func_onsite :
Onsite interactions function.
func_hop :
Hopping/inter unit cell interactions function.
max_neighbor :
The maximal number of neighbouring unit cells (along a lattice vector)
connected by interaction. Interaction goes to zero after this distance.
Auxiliary `kwant.builder.Builder` that encodes the interactions of the system.
int_builder = kwant.builder.Builder(
int_builder[builder.sites()] = func_onsite
for neighbors in range(max_neighbor):
int_builder[lattice.neighbors(neighbors + 1)] = func_hop
return int_builder