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Commit 6f281e4f authored by Kostas Vilkelis's avatar Kostas Vilkelis :flamingo:
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Merge branch 'interface-refactoring' into 'main'

create solvers and interface modules

See merge request qt/kwant-scf!3
parents 8ef945af d7e96d28
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1 merge request!3create solvers and interface modules
Showing with 1363 additions and 266 deletions
from scipy.ndimage import convolve
import numpy as np
import codes.utils as utils
from functools import partial
from scipy.optimize import anderson
def mean_field_F(vals, vecs, E_F):
def density_matrix(vals, vecs, E_F):
Returns the mean field F_ij(k) = <psi_i(k)|psi_j(k)> for all k-points and
eigenvectors below the Fermi level.
......@@ -21,8 +18,8 @@ def mean_field_F(vals, vecs, E_F):
F : array_like
mean field F[kx, ky, ..., i, j] where i,j are cell indices.
rho : array_like
Density matrix rho=rho[kx, ky, ..., i, j] where i,j are cell indices.
norbs = vals.shape[-1]
dim = len(vals.shape) - 1
......@@ -37,19 +34,19 @@ def mean_field_F(vals, vecs, E_F):
occ_vecs_flat = np.transpose(occ_vecs_flat, axes=[0, 2, 1])
# inner products between eigenvectors
F_ij = np.einsum("kie,kje->kij", occ_vecs_flat, occ_vecs_flat.conj())
rho_ij = np.einsum("kie,kje->kij", occ_vecs_flat, occ_vecs_flat.conj())
reshape_order = [nk for i in range(dim)]
reshape_order.extend([norbs, norbs])
F = F_ij.reshape(*reshape_order)
rho = rho_ij.reshape(*reshape_order)
unocc_vals = vals > E_F
occ_vecs = vecs
occ_vecs[:, unocc_vals] = 0
# Outter products between eigenvectors
F = occ_vecs @ occ_vecs.T.conj()
rho = occ_vecs @ occ_vecs.T.conj()
return F
return rho
def convolution(M1, M2):
......@@ -82,46 +79,62 @@ def convolution(M1, M2):
return V_output
def compute_mf(vals, vecs, filling, H_int):
def compute_mf(rho, H_int):
Compute mean-field correction at self-consistent loop.
vals : nd-array
Eigenvalues of current loop vals[k_x, ..., k_n, j].
vecs : nd_array
Eigenvectors of current loop vals[k_x, ..., k_n, i, j].
rho : nd_array
Density matrix.
H_int : nd-array
Interaction matrix.
filling: int
Number of electrons per cell.
mf : nd-array
Meanf-field correction with same format as `H_int`.
dim = len(vals.shape) - 1
nk = vals.shape[0]
E_F = utils.get_fermi_energy(vals, filling)
F = mean_field_F(vals=vals, vecs=vecs, E_F=E_F)
nk = rho.shape[0]
dim = len(rho.shape) - 2
if dim > 0:
H0_int = H_int[*[0 for i in range(dim)]]
rho = np.diag(np.average(F, axis=tuple([i for i in range(dim)])))
exchange_mf = convolution(F, H_int) * nk ** (-dim)
direct_mf = np.diag(np.einsum("i,ij->j", rho, H0_int))
H0_int = H_int[*([0]*dim)]
local_density = np.diag(np.average(rho, axis=tuple([i for i in range(dim)])))
exchange_mf = convolution(rho, H_int) * nk ** (-dim)
direct_mf = np.diag(np.einsum("i,ij->j", local_density, H0_int))
dc_direct = local_density.T @ H0_int @ local_density
dc_exchange = np.einsum('kij, kji', exchange_mf, rho) * nk ** (-dim)
dc_energy = 0.5*(-dc_exchange + dc_direct) * np.eye(direct_mf.shape[-1])
rho = np.diag(F)
exchange_mf = F * H_int
direct_mf = np.diag(np.einsum("i,ij->j", rho, H_int))
return direct_mf - exchange_mf
local_density = np.diag(rho)
exchange_mf = rho * H_int
direct_mf = np.diag(np.einsum("i,ij->j", local_density, H_int))
dc_energy_direct = np.diag(np.einsum("ij, i, j->", H_int, local_density, local_density))
dc_energy_cross = np.diag(np.einsum("ij, ij, ji->", H_int, rho, rho))
dc_energy = 2 * dc_energy_direct - dc_energy_cross
return direct_mf - exchange_mf# - dc_energy * np.eye(direct_mf.shape[-1])
def total_energy(h, rho):
Compute total energy.
h : nd-array
rho : nd-array
Density matrix.
def scf_loop(mf, H_int, filling, hamiltonians_0):
total_energy : float
System total energy computed as tr[h@rho].
return np.sum(np.trace(h @ rho, axis1=-1, axis2=-2)).real /[:-2])
def updated_matrices(mf_k, model):
Self-consistent loop.
......@@ -138,75 +151,16 @@ def scf_loop(mf, H_int, filling, hamiltonians_0):
diff : nd-array
Difference of mean-field matrix.
mf_new : nd-array
Updated mean-field solution.
# Generate the Hamiltonian
hamiltonians = hamiltonians_0 + mf
hamiltonians = model.hamiltonians_0 + mf_k
vals, vecs = np.linalg.eigh(hamiltonians)
vecs = np.linalg.qr(vecs)[0]
E_F = utils.get_fermi_energy(vals, model.filling)
rho = density_matrix(vals=vals, vecs=vecs, E_F=E_F)
return rho, compute_mf(
H_int=model.H_int) - E_F * np.eye(model.hamiltonians_0.shape[-1])
mf_new = compute_mf(vals=vals, vecs=vecs, filling=filling, H_int=H_int)
diff = mf_new - mf
return diff
def find_groundstate_ham(
Self-consistent loop to find groundstate Hamiltonian.
tb_model : dict
Tight-binding model. Must have the following structure:
- Keys are tuples for each hopping vector (in units of lattice vectors).
- Values are hopping matrices.
int_model : dict
Interaction matrix model. Must have same structure as `tb_model`
filling: int
Number of electrons per cell.
tol : float
Tolerance of meanf-field self-consistent loop.
guess : nd-array
Initial guess. Same format as `H_int`.
mixing : float
Regularization parameter in Anderson optimization. Default: 0.5.
order : int
Number of previous solutions to retain. Default: 1.
verbose : bool
Verbose of Anderson optimization. Default: False.
return_mf : bool
Returns mean-field result. Useful if wanted to reuse as guess in upcoming run.
scf_model : dict
Tight-binding model of Hartree-Fock solution.
hamiltonians_0, ks = utils.kgrid_hamiltonian(nk, tb_model, return_ks=True)
if guess is None:
guess = utils.generate_guess(nk, tb_model, int_model, scale=np.max(np.abs(np.array([*int_model.values()]))))
fun = partial(
H_int=utils.kgrid_hamiltonian(nk, int_model),
mf = anderson(fun, guess, f_tol=tol, w0=mixing, M=order, verbose=verbose)
if return_mf:
return utils.hk2tb_model(hamiltonians_0 + mf, tb_model, int_model, ks), mf
return utils.hk2tb_model(hamiltonians_0 + mf, tb_model, int_model, ks)
from scipy import optimize
from . import utils, solvers
import numpy as np
def find_groundstate_ham(
Self-consistent loop to find groundstate Hamiltonian.
tb_model : dict
Tight-binding model. Must have the following structure:
- Keys are tuples for each hopping vector (in units of lattice vectors).
- Values are hopping matrices.
filling: int
Number of electrons per cell.
guess : nd-array
Initial guess. Same format as `H_int`.
return_mf : bool
Returns mean-field result. Useful if wanted to reuse as guess in upcoming run.
scf_model : dict
Tight-binding model of Hartree-Fock solution.
if model.int_model is not None:
model.vectors = utils.generate_vectors(cutoff_Vk, model.dim)
if model.guess is None:
solver(model, optimizer, cost_function, optimizer_kwargs)
model.vectors=[*model.vectors, *model.tb_model.keys()]
assert np.allclose(model.mf_k - np.moveaxis(model.mf_k, -1, -2).conj(), 0, atol=1e-15)
vals, _ = np.linalg.eigh(model.hamiltonians_0 + model.mf_k)
EF = utils.get_fermi_energy(vals, filling)
model.mf_k -= EF * np.eye(model.hamiltonians_0.shape[-1])
if return_kspace:
return model.hamiltonians_0 + model.mf_k
if model.dim > 0:
scf_tb = utils.hk2tb_model(model.hamiltonians_0 + model.mf_k, model.vectors, model.ks)
if return_mf:
mf_tb = utils.hk2tb_model(model.mf_k, model.vectors, model.ks)
return scf_tb, mf_tb
return scf_tb
if return_mf:
return {() : model.hamiltonians_0 + model.mf_k}, {() : model.mf_k}
return {() : model.hamiltonians_0 + model.mf_k}
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ def graphene_extended_hubbard():
return V * np.ones((2, 2))
syst_V = utils.build_interacting_syst(
lattice = graphene,
func_onsite = onsite_int,
func_hop = nn_int,
from . import utils
import numpy as np
class Model:
A period tight-binding model class.
tb_model : dict
Non-interacting tight-binding model.
int_model : dict
Interacting tight-binding model.
Vk : function
Interaction potential V(k). Used if `int_model = None`.
guess : dict
Initial guess for self-consistent calculation.
dim : int
Number of translationally invariant real-space dimensions.
ndof : int
Number of internal degrees of freedom (orbitals).
hamiltonians_0 : nd-array
Non-interacting amiltonian evaluated on a k-point grid.
H_int : nd-array
Interacting amiltonian evaluated on a k-point grid.
def __init__(self, tb_model, int_model=None, Vk=None, guess=None):
self.tb_model = tb_model
self.dim = len([*tb_model.keys()][0])
if self.dim > 0: = utils.model2hk(tb_model=tb_model)
self.int_model = int_model
if self.int_model is not None:
self.int_model = int_model
if self.dim > 0:
self.Vk = utils.model2hk(tb_model=int_model)
if self.dim > 0:
self.Vk = Vk
self.ndof = len([*tb_model.values()][0])
self.guess = guess
if self.dim == 0:
self.hamiltonians_0 = tb_model[()]
self.H_int = int_model[()]
def random_guess(self, vectors):
Generate random guess.
vectors : list of tuples
Hopping vectors for the mean-field corrections.
if self.int_model is None:
scale = 0.1
scale = 0.1*(1+np.max(np.abs([*self.int_model.values()])))
self.guess = utils.generate_guess(
def kgrid_evaluation(self, nk):
Evaluates hamiltonians on a k-grid.
nk : int
Number of k-points along each direction.
self.hamiltonians_0, self.ks = utils.kgrid_hamiltonian(
self.H_int = utils.kgrid_hamiltonian(nk=nk, hk=self.Vk, dim=self.dim)
self.mf_k = utils.kgrid_hamiltonian(
import numpy as np
from . import utils
from .hf import updated_matrices, total_energy
from functools import partial
def optimize(mf, cost_function, optimizer, optimizer_kwargs):
_ = optimizer(
def finite_system_cost(mf, model):
shape = mf.shape
mf = utils.flat_to_matrix(utils.real_to_complex(mf), shape)
model.rho, model.mf_k = updated_matrices(mf_k=mf, model=model)
delta_mf = model.mf_k - mf
return utils.complex_to_real(utils.matrix_to_flat(delta_mf))
def finite_system_solver(model, optimizer, cost_function, optimizer_kwargs):
Real-space solver for finite systems.
model : model.Model
Physical model containting interacting and non-interacting Hamiltonian.
optimizer : function
Optimization function.
optimizer_kwargs : dict
Extra arguments passed to optimizer.
model.mf_k = model.guess[()]
initial_mf = utils.complex_to_real(utils.matrix_to_flat(model.mf_k))
partial_cost = partial(cost_function, model=model)
optimize(initial_mf, partial_cost, optimizer, optimizer_kwargs)
def real_space_cost(mf, model, shape):
mf = utils.flat_to_matrix(utils.real_to_complex(mf), shape)
mf_dict = {}
for i, key in enumerate(model.guess.keys()):
mf_dict[key] = mf[i]
mf = utils.kgrid_hamiltonian(
model.rho, model.mf_k = updated_matrices(mf_k=mf, model=model)
delta_mf = model.mf_k - mf
delta_mf = utils.hk2tb_model(delta_mf, model.vectors, model.ks)
delta_mf = np.array([*delta_mf.values()])
return utils.complex_to_real(utils.matrix_to_flat(delta_mf))
def rspace_solver(model, optimizer, cost_function, optimizer_kwargs):
Real-space solver for infinite systems.
model : model.Model
Physical model containting interacting and non-interacting Hamiltonian.
optimizer : function
Optimization function.
optimizer_kwargs : dict
Extra arguments passed to optimizer.
initial_mf = np.array([*model.guess.values()])
shape = initial_mf.shape
initial_mf = utils.complex_to_real(utils.matrix_to_flat(initial_mf))
partial_cost = partial(cost_function, model=model, shape=shape)
optimize(initial_mf, partial_cost, optimizer, optimizer_kwargs)
def kspace_cost(mf, model):
mf = utils.flat_to_matrix(utils.real_to_complex(mf), model.mf_k.shape)
model.rho, model.mf_k = updated_matrices(mf_k=mf, model=model)
delta_mf = model.mf_k - mf
return utils.complex_to_real(utils.matrix_to_flat(delta_mf))
def kspace_totalenergy_cost(mf, model):
mf = utils.flat_to_matrix(utils.real_to_complex(mf), model.mf_k.shape)
model.rho, model.mf_k = updated_matrices(mf_k=mf, model=model)
return total_energy(
model.hamiltonians_0 + model.mf_k,
def kspace_solver(model, optimizer, cost_function, optimizer_kwargs):
k-space solver.
model : model.Model
Physical model containting interacting and non-interacting Hamiltonian.
optimizer : function
Optimization function.
optimizer_kwargs : dict
Extra arguments passed to optimizer.
initial_mf = model.mf_k
initial_mf = utils.complex_to_real(utils.matrix_to_flat(initial_mf))
partial_cost = partial(cost_function, model=model)
optimize(initial_mf, partial_cost, optimizer, optimizer_kwargs)
import numpy as np
import kwant
from itertools import product
from scipy.sparse import coo_array
from itertools import product
import inspect
from copy import copy
......@@ -113,6 +113,11 @@ def builder2tb_model(builder, params={}, return_data=False):
# Hopping vector in the opposite direction
tb_model[tuple(-b_dom)] += coo_array(
(data, (row, col)), shape=(norbs_tot, norbs_tot)
tb_model[tuple(b_dom)] = coo_array(
(data, (row, col)), shape=(norbs_tot, norbs_tot)
......@@ -123,6 +128,10 @@ def builder2tb_model(builder, params={}, return_data=False):
tb_model[tuple(-b_dom)] = coo_array(
(data, (row, col)), shape=(norbs_tot, norbs_tot)
if return_data:
data = {}
......@@ -133,32 +142,53 @@ def builder2tb_model(builder, params={}, return_data=False):
return tb_model
def dict2hk(tb_dict):
def model2hk(tb_model):
Build Bloch Hamiltonian.
nk : int
Number of k-points along each direction.
tb_model : dictionary
Must have the following structure:
- Keys are tuples for each hopping vector (in units of lattice vectors).
- Values are hopping matrices.
return_ks : bool
Return k-points.
ham : nd.array
Hamiltonian evaluated on a k-point grid from k-points
along each direction evaluated from zero to 2*pi.
The indices are ordered as [k_1, ... , k_n, i, j], where
`k_m` corresponding to the k-point element along each
direction and `i` and `j` are the internal degrees of freedom.
ks : 1D-array
List of k-points over all directions. Only returned if `return_ks=True`.
bloch_ham : function
Evaluates the Hamiltonian at a given k-point.
assert (
len(next(iter(tb_model))) > 0
), "Zero-dimensional system. The Hamiltonian is simply tb_model[()]."
def bloch_ham(k):
ham = 0
for vector in tb_dict.keys():
ham += tb_dict[vector] * np.exp(
1j *, np.array(vector, dtype=float))
for vector in tb_model.keys():
ham += tb_model[vector] * np.exp(
-1j *, np.array(vector, dtype=float))
if np.linalg.norm(np.array(vector)) > 0:
ham += tb_dict[vector].T.conj() * np.exp(
-1j *, np.array(vector))
return ham
return bloch_ham
def kgrid_hamiltonian(nk, tb_model, return_ks=False):
def kgrid_hamiltonian(nk, hk, dim, return_ks=False, hermitian=True):
Evaluates Hamiltonian on a k-point grid.
......@@ -166,12 +196,10 @@ def kgrid_hamiltonian(nk, tb_model, return_ks=False):
nk : int
Number of k-points along each direction.
tb_model : dictionary
Must have the following structure:
- Keys are tuples for each hopping vector (in units of lattice vectors).
- Values are hopping matrices.
hk : function
Calculates the Hamiltonian at a given k-point.
return_ks : bool
Return k-points.
If `True`, returns k-points.
......@@ -184,15 +212,6 @@ def kgrid_hamiltonian(nk, tb_model, return_ks=False):
ks : 1D-array
List of k-points over all directions. Only returned if `return_ks=True`.
dim = len(next(iter(tb_model)))
if dim == 0:
if return_ks:
return syst[next(iter(tb_model))], None
return syst[next(iter(tb_model))]
hk = dict2hk(tb_model)
ks = 2 * np.pi * np.linspace(0, 1, nk, endpoint=False)
k_pts = np.tile(ks, dim).reshape(dim, nk)
......@@ -201,6 +220,10 @@ def kgrid_hamiltonian(nk, tb_model, return_ks=False):
for k in product(*k_pts):
ham = np.array(ham)
if hermitian:
assert np.allclose(
ham, np.transpose(ham, (0, 2, 1)).conj()
), "Tight-binding provided is non-Hermitian. Not supported yet"
shape = (*[nk] * dim, ham.shape[-1], ham.shape[-1])
if return_ks:
return ham.reshape(*shape), ks
......@@ -237,14 +260,12 @@ def build_interacting_syst(builder, lattice, func_onsite, func_hop, max_neighbor
return int_builder
def generate_guess(nk, tb_model, int_model, scale=0.1):
def generate_guess(vectors, ndof, scale=0.1):
nk : int
Number of k-points along each direction.
tb_model : dict
Tight-binding model of non-interacting systems.
int_model : dict
Tight-binding model for interacting Hamiltonian.
vectors : list
List of hopping vectors.
ndof : int
Number internal degrees of freedom (orbitals),
scale : float
The scale of the guess. Maximum absolute value of each element of the guess.
......@@ -253,22 +274,42 @@ def generate_guess(nk, tb_model, int_model, scale=0.1):
guess : nd-array
Guess evaluated on a k-point grid.
ndof = tb_model[next(iter(tb_model))].shape[-1]
guess = {}
vectors = [*tb_model.keys(), *int_model.keys()]
for vector in vectors:
amplitude = np.random.rand(ndof, ndof)
phase = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand(ndof, ndof)
rand_hermitian = amplitude * np.exp(1j * phase)
if np.linalg.norm(np.array(vector)):
rand_hermitian += rand_hermitian.T.conj()
rand_hermitian /= 2
guess[vector] = rand_hermitian
if vector not in guess.keys():
amplitude = scale * np.random.rand(ndof, ndof)
phase = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand(ndof, ndof)
rand_hermitian = amplitude * np.exp(1j * phase)
if np.linalg.norm(np.array(vector)) == 0:
rand_hermitian += rand_hermitian.T.conj()
rand_hermitian /= 2
guess[vector] = rand_hermitian
guess[vector] = rand_hermitian
guess[tuple(-np.array(vector))] = rand_hermitian.T.conj()
return guess
def generate_vectors(cutoff, dim):
Generates hopping vectors up to a cutoff.
return kgrid_hamiltonian(nk, guess) * scale
cutoff : int
Maximum distance along each direction.
dim : int
Dimension of the vectors.
List of hopping vectors.
return [*product(*([[*range(-cutoff, cutoff + 1)]] * dim))]
def hk2tb_model(hk, tb_model, int_model, ks=None):
def hk2tb_model(hk, hopping_vecs, ks=None):
Extract hopping matrices from Bloch Hamiltonian.
......@@ -289,9 +330,6 @@ def hk2tb_model(hk, tb_model, int_model, ks=None):
TIght-binding model of Hartree-Fock solution.
if ks is not None:
hopping_vecs = np.unique(
np.array([*tb_model.keys(), *int_model.keys()]), axis=0
ndim = len(hk.shape) - 2
dk = np.diff(ks)[0]
nk = len(ks)
......@@ -337,3 +375,50 @@ def calc_gap(vals, E_F):
emax = np.max(vals[vals <= E_F])
emin = np.min(vals[vals > E_F])
return np.abs(emin - emax)
def matrix_to_flat(matrix):
Flatten the upper triangle of a collection of matrices.
matrix : nd-array
Array with shape (..., n, n)
return matrix[..., *np.triu_indices(matrix.shape[-1])].flatten()
def flat_to_matrix(flat, shape):
Undo `matrix_to_flat`.
flat : 1d-array
Output from `matrix_to_flat`.
shape : 1d-array
Shape of the input from `matrix_to_flat`.
matrix = np.zeros(shape, dtype=complex)
matrix[..., *np.triu_indices(shape[-1])] = flat.reshape(*shape[:-2], -1)
indices = np.arange(shape[-1])
diagonal = matrix[..., indices, indices]
matrix += np.moveaxis(matrix, -1, -2).conj()
matrix[..., indices, indices] -= diagonal
return matrix
def complex_to_real(z):
Split real and imaginary parts of a complex array.
z : array
return np.concatenate((np.real(z), np.imag(z)))
def real_to_complex(z):
Undo `complex_to_real`.
return z[:len(z)//2] + 1j * z[len(z)//2:]
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