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  • qt/meanfi
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with 765 additions and 948 deletions
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......@@ -6,10 +6,30 @@ except ImportError:
__version__ = "unknown"
__version_tuple__ = (0, 0, "unknown", "unknown")
from .mf import construct_density_matrix
from .mf import (
from .solvers import solver
from .model import Model
from .observables import expectation_value
from .tb.tb import add_tb, scale_tb
from .tb.transforms import tb_to_kgrid, kgrid_to_tb
from .tb.utils import guess_tb, fermi_energy
__all__ = [
import kwant
import numpy as np
from pymf.kwant_helper.utils import build_interacting_syst
from meanfi.kwant_helper.utils import build_interacting_syst
s0 = np.identity(2)
sz = np.diag([1, -1])
import inspect
from copy import copy
from itertools import product
from typing import Callable
import kwant
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import coo_array
import kwant
import kwant.lattice
import kwant.builder
from meanfi.tb.tb import _tb_type
def builder_to_tb(builder, params={}, return_data=False):
"""Construct a tight-binding model dictionary from a `kwant.Builder`.
def builder_to_tb(
builder: kwant.builder.Builder, params: dict = {}, return_data: bool = False
) -> _tb_type:
"""Construct a tight-binding dictionary from a `kwant.builder.Builder` system.
builder : `kwant.Builder`
Either builder for non-interacting system or interacting Hamiltonian.
params : dict
Dictionary of parameters to evaluate the Hamiltonian.
return_data : bool
builder :
system to convert to tight-binding dictionary.
params :
Dictionary of parameters to evaluate the builder on.
return_data :
Returns dictionary with sites and number of orbitals per site.
h_0 : dict
Tight-binding model of non-interacting systems.
data : dict
Tight-binding dictionary that corresponds to the builder.
Data with sites and number of orbitals. Only if `return_data=True`.
builder = copy(builder)
......@@ -45,8 +52,8 @@ def builder_to_tb(builder, params={}, return_data=False):
col = copy(row)
row, col = np.array([*product(row, col)]).T
_params = {}
for arg in inspect.getfullargspec(val).args:
_params = {}
if arg in params:
_params[arg] = params[arg]
val = val(site, **_params)
......@@ -73,8 +80,8 @@ def builder_to_tb(builder, params={}, return_data=False):
row, col = np.array([*product(row, col)]).T
_params = {}
for arg in inspect.getfullargspec(val).args:
_params = {}
if arg in params:
_params[arg] = params[arg]
val = val(a, b, **_params)
......@@ -124,28 +131,38 @@ def builder_to_tb(builder, params={}, return_data=False):
return h_0
def build_interacting_syst(builder, lattice, func_onsite, func_hop, max_neighbor=1):
"""Construct an auxiliary `kwant` system to build Hamiltonian matrix.
def build_interacting_syst(
builder: kwant.builder.Builder,
lattice: kwant.lattice.Polyatomic,
func_onsite: Callable,
func_hop: Callable,
max_neighbor: int = 1,
) -> kwant.builder.Builder:
Construct an auxiliary `kwant` system that encodes the interactions.
builder : `kwant.Builder`
Non-interacting `kwant` system.
func_onsite : function
Onsite function.
func_hop : function
Hopping function.
max_neighbor : int
Maximal nearest-neighbor order.
builder :
Non-interacting `kwant.builder.Builder` system.
lattice :
Lattice of the system.
func_onsite :
Onsite interactions function.
func_hop :
Hopping/inter unit cell interactions function.
max_neighbor :
The maximal number of neighbouring unit cells (along a lattice vector)
connected by interaction. Interaction goes to zero after this distance.
int_builder : `kwant.Builder`
Dummy `kwant.Builder` to compute interaction matrix.
Auxiliary `kwant.builder.Builder` that encodes the interactions of the system.
# lattice_info = list(builder.sites())[0][0]
# lattice = kwant.lattice.general(lattice_info.prim_vecs, norbs=lattice_info.norbs)
int_builder = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry(*builder.symmetry.periods))
int_builder = kwant.builder.Builder(
int_builder[builder.sites()] = func_onsite
for neighbors in range(max_neighbor):
int_builder[lattice.neighbors(neighbors + 1)] = func_hop
import numpy as np
from scipy.fftpack import ifftn
from typing import Tuple
from pymf.tb.tb import add_tb
from pymf.tb.transforms import ifftn_to_tb, tb_to_khamvector
from meanfi.tb.tb import add_tb, _tb_type
from meanfi.tb.transforms import tb_to_kgrid, kgrid_to_tb
def construct_density_matrix_kgrid(kham, filling):
def density_matrix_kgrid(kham: np.ndarray, filling: float) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, float]:
"""Calculate density matrix on a k-space grid.
kham : npndarray
Hamiltonian in k-space of shape (len(dim), norbs, norbs)
filling : float
kham :
Hamiltonian from which to construct the density matrix.
The hamiltonian is sampled on a grid of k-points and has shape (nk, nk, ..., ndof, ndof),
where ndof is number of internal degrees of freedom.
filling :
Number of particles in a unit cell.
Used to determine the Fermi level.
np.ndarray, float
Density matrix in k-space and Fermi energy.
Density matrix on a k-space grid with shape (nk, nk, ..., ndof, ndof) and Fermi energy.
vals, vecs = np.linalg.eigh(kham)
fermi = fermi_on_grid(vals, filling)
fermi = fermi_on_kgrid(vals, filling)
unocc_vals = vals > fermi
occ_vecs = vecs
np.moveaxis(occ_vecs, -1, -2)[unocc_vals, :] = 0
rho_krid = occ_vecs @ np.moveaxis(occ_vecs, -1, -2).conj()
return rho_krid, fermi
_density_matrix_krid = occ_vecs @ np.moveaxis(occ_vecs, -1, -2).conj()
return _density_matrix_krid, fermi
def construct_density_matrix(h, filling, nk):
"""Compute the density matrix in real-space tight-binding format.
def density_matrix(h: _tb_type, filling: float, nk: int) -> Tuple[_tb_type, float]:
"""Compute the real-space density matrix tight-binding dictionary.
h : dict
Tight-binding model.
filling : float
Filling of the system.
nk : int
Number of k-points in the grid.
h :
Hamiltonian tight-binding dictionary from which to construct the density matrix.
filling :
Number of particles in a unit cell.
Used to determine the Fermi level.
nk :
Number of k-points in a grid to sample the Brillouin zone along each dimension.
If the system is 0-dimensional (finite), this parameter is ignored.
(dict, float)
Density matrix in real-space tight-binding format and Fermi energy.
Density matrix tight-binding dictionary and Fermi energy.
ndim = len(list(h)[0])
if ndim > 0:
kham = tb_to_khamvector(h, nk=nk)
rho_grid, fermi = construct_density_matrix_kgrid(kham, filling)
kham = tb_to_kgrid(h, nk=nk)
_density_matrix_krid, fermi = density_matrix_kgrid(kham, filling)
return (
ifftn_to_tb(ifftn(rho_grid, axes=np.arange(ndim))),
rho, fermi = construct_density_matrix_kgrid(h[()], filling)
return {(): rho}, fermi
_density_matrix, fermi = density_matrix_kgrid(h[()], filling)
return {(): _density_matrix}, fermi
def meanfield(density_matrix_tb, h_int):
"""Compute the mean-field in k-space.
def meanfield(density_matrix: _tb_type, h_int: _tb_type) -> _tb_type:
"""Compute the mean-field correction from the density matrix.
density_matrix : dict
Density matrix in real-space tight-binding format.
h_int : dict
Interaction tb model.
density_matrix :
Density matrix tight-binding dictionary.
h_int :
Interaction hermitian Hamiltonian tight-binding dictionary.
Mean-field tb model.
Mean-field correction tight-binding dictionary.
The interaction h_int must be of density-density type.
For example, h_int[(1,)][i, j] = V means a repulsive interaction
of strength V between two particles with internal degrees of freedom i and j
separated by 1 lattice vector.
n = len(list(density_matrix_tb)[0])
n = len(list(density_matrix)[0])
local_key = tuple(np.zeros((n,), dtype=int))
direct = {
......@@ -82,7 +94,7 @@ def meanfield(density_matrix_tb, h_int):
np.einsum("pp,pn->n", density_matrix_tb[local_key], h_int[vec])
np.einsum("pp,pn->n", density_matrix[local_key], h_int[vec])
for vec in frozenset(h_int)
......@@ -92,26 +104,26 @@ def meanfield(density_matrix_tb, h_int):
exchange = {
vec: -1 * h_int.get(vec, 0) * density_matrix_tb[vec] # / (2 * np.pi)#**2
for vec in frozenset(h_int)
vec: -1 * h_int.get(vec, 0) * density_matrix[vec] for vec in frozenset(h_int)
return add_tb(direct, exchange)
def fermi_on_grid(vals, filling):
def fermi_on_kgrid(vals: np.ndarray, filling: float) -> float:
"""Compute the Fermi energy on a grid of k-points.
vals : ndarray
Eigenvalues of the hamiltonian in k-space of shape (len(dim), norbs, norbs)
filling : int
Number of particles in a unit cell.
vals :
Eigenvalues of a hamiltonian sampled on a k-point grid with shape (nk, nk, ..., ndof, ndof),
where ndof is number of internal degrees of freedom.
filling :
Number of particles in a unit cell.
Used to determine the Fermi level.
fermi_energy : float
Fermi energy
Fermi energy
norbs = vals.shape[-1]
vals_flat = np.sort(vals.flatten())
import numpy as np
from import (
from import (
from pymf.tb.tb import add_tb
from meanfi.tb.tb import add_tb, _tb_type
def _check_hermiticity(h):
......@@ -12,24 +12,52 @@ def _check_hermiticity(h):
op_vector = tuple(-1 * np.array(vector))
op_vector = tuple(-1 * np.array(vector))
if not np.allclose(h[vector], h[op_vector].conj().T):
raise ValueError("Hamiltonian is not Hermitian.")
raise ValueError("Tight-binding dictionary must be hermitian.")
def _tb_type_check(tb):
for count, key in enumerate(tb):
if not isinstance(tb[key], np.ndarray):
raise ValueError("Inputted dictionary values are not np.ndarray's")
raise ValueError(
"Values of the tight-binding dictionary must be numpy arrays"
shape = tb[key].shape
if count == 0:
size = shape[0]
if not len(shape) == 2:
raise ValueError("Inputted dictionary values are not square matrices")
raise ValueError(
"Values of the tight-binding dictionary must be square matrices"
if not size == shape[0]:
raise ValueError("Inputted dictionary elements shapes are not consistent")
raise ValueError(
"Values of the tight-binding dictionary must have consistent shape"
class Model:
def __init__(self, h_0, h_int, filling):
Data class which defines the interacting tight-binding problem.
h_0 :
Non-interacting hermitian Hamiltonian tight-binding dictionary.
h_int :
Interaction hermitian Hamiltonian tight-binding dictionary.
filling :
Number of particles in a unit cell.
Used to determine the Fermi level.
The interaction h_int must be of density-density type.
For example, h_int[(1,)][i, j] = V means a repulsive interaction
of strength V between two particles with internal degrees of freedom i and j
separated by 1 lattice vector.
def __init__(self, h_0: _tb_type, h_int: _tb_type, filling: float) -> None:
self.h_0 = h_0
......@@ -42,31 +70,30 @@ class Model:
_first_key = list(h_0)[0]
self._ndim = len(_first_key)
self._size = h_0[_first_key].shape[0]
self._ndof = h_0[_first_key].shape[0]
self._local_key = tuple(np.zeros((self._ndim,), dtype=int))
def mfield(self, mf_tb, nk=200): # method or standalone?
"""Compute single mean field iteration.
def mfield(self, mf: _tb_type, nk: int = 20) -> _tb_type:
"""Computes a new mean-field correction from a given one.
mf_tb : dict
Mean-field tight-binding model.
nk : int
Number of k-points in the grid.
mf :
Initial mean-field correction tight-binding dictionary.
nk :
Number of k-points in a grid to sample the Brillouin zone along each dimension.
If the system is 0-dimensional (finite), this parameter is ignored.
New mean-field tight-binding model.
new mean-field correction tight-binding dictionary.
rho, fermi_energy = construct_density_matrix(
add_tb(self.h_0, mf_tb), self.filling, nk
rho, fermi_energy = density_matrix(add_tb(self.h_0, mf), self.filling, nk)
return add_tb(
meanfield(rho, self.h_int),
{self._local_key: -fermi_energy * np.eye(self._size)},
{self._local_key: -fermi_energy * np.eye(self._ndof)},
import numpy as np
from meanfi.tb.tb import _tb_type
def expectation_value(density_matrix, observable):
def expectation_value(density_matrix: _tb_type, observable: _tb_type) -> complex:
"""Compute the expectation value of an observable with respect to a density matrix.
density_matrix : dict
Density matrix in tight-binding format.
observable : dict
Observable in tight-binding format.
density_matrix :
Density matrix tight-binding dictionary.
observable :
Observable tight-binding dictionary.
Expectation value.
return np.sum(
File moved
import numpy as np
from meanfi.tb.tb import _tb_type
def tb_to_flat(tb):
"""Convert a hermitian tight-binding dictionary to flat complex matrix.
def tb_to_flat(tb: _tb_type) -> np.ndarray:
"""Parametrise a hermitian tight-binding dictionary by a flat complex vector.
tb : dict with nd-array elements
tb :
Hermitian tigh-binding dictionary
flat : complex 1d numpy array
Flattened tight-binding dictionary
1D complex array that parametrises the tight-binding dictionary.
if len(list(tb)[0]) == 0:
matrix = np.array(list(tb.values()))
......@@ -23,34 +25,39 @@ def tb_to_flat(tb):
return sorted_vals[:N].flatten()
def flat_to_tb(flat, shape, tb_keys):
def flat_to_tb(
tb_param_complex: np.ndarray,
ndof: int,
tb_keys: list[tuple[None] | tuple[int, ...]],
) -> _tb_type:
"""Reverse operation to `tb_to_flat`.
It takes a flat complex 1d array and return the tight-binding dictionary.
flat : dict with nd-array elements
Hermitian tigh-binding dictionary
shape : tuple
shape of the tb elements
tb_keys : iterable
original tb key elements
tb_param_complex :
1d complex array that parametrises the tb model.
ndof :
Number internal degrees of freedom within the unit cell.
tb_keys :
List of keys of the tight-binding dictionary.
tb : dict
tb :
tight-binding dictionary
shape = (len(tb_keys), ndof, ndof)
if len(tb_keys[0]) == 0:
matrix = np.zeros((shape[-1], shape[-2]), dtype=complex)
matrix[np.triu_indices(shape[-1])] = flat
matrix[np.triu_indices(shape[-1])] = tb_param_complex
matrix += matrix.conj().T
matrix[np.diag_indices(shape[-1])] /= 2
return {(): matrix}
matrix = np.zeros(shape, dtype=complex)
N = len(tb_keys) // 2 + 1
matrix[:N] = flat.reshape(N, *shape[1:])
matrix[:N] = tb_param_complex.reshape(N, *shape[1:])
matrix[N:] = np.moveaxis(matrix[-(N + 1) :: -1], -1, -2).conj()
tb_keys = np.array(list(tb_keys))
......@@ -59,17 +66,22 @@ def flat_to_tb(flat, shape, tb_keys):
return tb
def complex_to_real(z):
"""Split real and imaginary parts of a complex array.
def complex_to_real(z: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Split and concatenate real and imaginary parts of a complex array.
z : array
z :
Complex array.
Real array that concatenates the real and imaginary parts of the input array.
return np.concatenate((np.real(z), np.imag(z)))
def real_to_complex(z):
def real_to_complex(z: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Undo `complex_to_real`."""
return z[: len(z) // 2] + 1j * z[len(z) // 2 :]
import numpy as np
from meanfi.params.param_transforms import (
from meanfi.tb.tb import _tb_type
def tb_to_rparams(tb: _tb_type) -> np.ndarray:
"""Parametrise a hermitian tight-binding dictionary by a real vector.
tb :
tight-binding dictionary.
1D real vector that parametrises the tight-binding dictionary.
return complex_to_real(tb_to_flat(tb))
def rparams_to_tb(
tb_params: np.ndarray, tb_keys: list[tuple[None] | tuple[int, ...]], ndof: int
) -> _tb_type:
"""Extract a hermitian tight-binding dictionary from a real vector parametrisation.
tb_params :
1D real array that parametrises the tight-binding dictionary.
tb_keys :
List of keys of the tight-binding dictionary.
ndof :
Number internal degrees of freedom within the unit cell.
Tight-biding dictionary.
flat_matrix = real_to_complex(tb_params)
return flat_to_tb(flat_matrix, ndof, tb_keys)
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
import scipy
from typing import Optional, Callable
from meanfi.params.rparams import rparams_to_tb, tb_to_rparams
from meanfi.tb.tb import add_tb, _tb_type
from meanfi.model import Model
from meanfi.tb.utils import fermi_energy
def cost(mf_param: np.ndarray, model: Model, nk: int = 20) -> np.ndarray:
"""Defines the cost function for root solver.
The cost function is the difference between the computed and inputted mean-field.
mf_param :
1D real array that parametrises the mean-field correction.
Model :
Interacting tight-binding problem definition.
nk :
Number of k-points in a grid to sample the Brillouin zone along each dimension.
If the system is 0-dimensional (finite), this parameter is ignored.
1D real array that is the difference between the computed and inputted mean-field
shape = model._ndof
mf = rparams_to_tb(mf_param, list(model.h_int), shape)
mf_new = model.mfield(mf, nk=nk)
mf_params_new = tb_to_rparams(mf_new)
return mf_params_new - mf_param
def solver(
model: Model,
mf_guess: np.ndarray,
nk: int = 20,
optimizer: Optional[Callable] = scipy.optimize.anderson,
optimizer_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, str]] = {"M": 0},
) -> _tb_type:
"""Solve for the mean-field correction through self-consistent root finding.
model :
Interacting tight-binding problem definition.
mf_guess :
The initial guess for the mean-field correction in the tight-binding dictionary format.
nk :
Number of k-points in a grid to sample the Brillouin zone along each dimension.
If the system is 0-dimensional (finite), this parameter is ignored.
optimizer :
The solver used to solve the fixed point iteration.
Default uses `scipy.optimize.anderson`.
optimizer_kwargs :
The keyword arguments to pass to the optimizer.
Mean-field correction solution in the tight-binding dictionary format.
shape = model._ndof
mf_params = tb_to_rparams(mf_guess)
f = partial(cost, model=model, nk=nk)
result = rparams_to_tb(
optimizer(f, mf_params, **optimizer_kwargs), list(model.h_int), shape
fermi = fermi_energy(add_tb(model.h_0, result), model.filling, nk=nk)
return add_tb(result, {model._local_key: -fermi * np.eye(model._ndof)})
File moved
import numpy as np
_tb_type = dict[tuple[int, ...], np.ndarray]
def add_tb(tb1, tb2):
"""Add up two tight-binding models together.
def add_tb(tb1: _tb_type, tb2: _tb_type) -> _tb_type:
"""Add up two tight-binding dictionaries together.
tb1 : dict
Tight-binding model.
tb2 : dict
Tight-binding model.
tb1 :
Tight-binding dictionary.
tb2 :
Tight-binding dictionary.
Sum of the two tight-binding models.
Sum of the two tight-binding dictionaries.
return {k: tb1.get(k, 0) + tb2.get(k, 0) for k in frozenset(tb1) | frozenset(tb2)}
def scale_tb(tb, scale):
"""Scale a tight-binding model.
def scale_tb(tb: _tb_type, scale: float) -> _tb_type:
"""Scale a tight-binding dictionary by a constant.
tb : dict
Tight-binding model.
scale : float
The scaling factor.
tb :
Tight-binding dictionary.
scale :
Constant to scale the tight-binding dictionary by.
Scaled tight-binding model.
Scaled tight-binding dictionary.
return {k: tb.get(k, 0) * scale for k in frozenset(tb)}
def compare_dicts(dict1, dict2, atol=1e-10):
def compare_dicts(dict1: dict, dict2: dict, atol: float = 1e-10) -> None:
"""Compare two dictionaries."""
for key in frozenset(dict1) | frozenset(dict2):
assert np.allclose(dict1[key], dict2[key], atol=atol)
import itertools
import numpy as np
from scipy.fftpack import ifftn
from meanfi.tb.tb import _tb_type
def tb_to_khamvector(tb, nk, ks=None):
"""Real-space tight-binding model to hamiltonian on k-space grid.
def tb_to_kgrid(tb: _tb_type, nk: int) -> np.ndarray:
"""Evaluate a tight-binding dictionary on a k-space grid.
tb : dict
A dictionary with real-space vectors as keys and complex np.arrays as values.
nk : int
Number of k-points along each direction.
ks : 1D-array
Set of k-points. Repeated for all directions.
tb :
Tight-binding dictionary to evaluate on a k-space grid.
nk :
Number of k-points in a grid to sample the Brillouin zone along each dimension.
If the system is 0-dimensional (finite), this parameter is ignored.
Hamiltonian evaluated on a k-point grid.
Tight-binding dictionary evaluated on a k-space grid.
Has shape (nk, nk, ..., ndof, ndof), where ndof is number of internal degrees of freedom.
ndim = len(list(tb)[0])
if ks is None:
ks = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, nk, endpoint=False)
ks = np.concatenate((ks[nk // 2 :], ks[: nk // 2]), axis=0) # shift for ifft
ks = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, nk, endpoint=False)
ks = np.concatenate((ks[nk // 2 :], ks[: nk // 2]), axis=0) # shift for ifft
kgrid = np.meshgrid(*([ks] * ndim), indexing="ij")
num_keys = len(list(tb.keys()))
......@@ -37,66 +38,41 @@ def tb_to_khamvector(tb, nk, ks=None):
return np.sum(tb_array * k_dependency, axis=0)
def ifftn_to_tb(ifft_array):
"""Convert an array from ifftn to a tight-binding model format.
def kgrid_to_tb(kgrid_array: np.ndarray) -> _tb_type:
Convert a k-space grid array to a tight-binding dictionary.
ifft_array : ndarray
An array obtained from ifftn.
kgrid_array :
K-space grid array to convert to a tight-binding dictionary.
The array should be of shape (nk, nk, ..., ndof, ndof),
where ndof is number of internal degrees of freedom.
A dictionary with real-space vectors as keys and complex np.arrays as values.
Tight-binding dictionary.
size = ifft_array.shape[:-2]
keys = [np.arange(-size[0] // 2 + 1, size[0] // 2) for i in range(len(size))]
keys = itertools.product(*keys)
return {tuple(k): ifft_array[tuple(k)] for k in keys}
ndim = len(kgrid_array.shape) - 2
return ifftn_to_tb(ifftn(kgrid_array, axes=np.arange(ndim)))
def kham_to_tb(kham, hopping_vecs, ks=None):
"""Extract hopping matrices from Bloch Hamiltonian.
def ifftn_to_tb(ifft_array: np.ndarray) -> _tb_type:
Convert the result of `scipy.fft.ifftn` to a tight-binding dictionary.
kham : nd-array
Bloch Hamiltonian matrix kham[k_x, ..., k_n, i, j]
hopping_vecs : list
List of hopping vectors, will be the keys to the tb.
ks : 1D-array
Set of k-points. Repeated for all directions. If the system is finite,
ifft_array :
Result of `scipy.fft.ifftn` to convert to a tight-binding dictionary.
The input to `scipy.fft.ifftn` should be from `tb_to_khamvector`.
scf_model : dict
Tight-binding model of Hartree-Fock solution.
Tight-binding dictionary.
if ks is not None:
ndim = len(kham.shape) - 2
dk = np.diff(ks)[0]
nk = len(ks)
k_pts = np.tile(ks, ndim).reshape(ndim, nk)
k_grid = np.array(np.meshgrid(*k_pts))
k_grid = k_grid.reshape(k_grid.shape[0],[1:]))
kham = kham.reshape([:ndim]), *kham.shape[-2:])
hopps = (
np.exp(1j * np.einsum("ij,jk->ik", hopping_vecs, k_grid)),
* (dk / (2 * np.pi)) ** ndim
h_0 = {}
for i, vector in enumerate(hopping_vecs):
h_0[tuple(vector)] = hopps[i]
size = ifft_array.shape[:-2]
return h_0
return {(): kham}
keys = [np.arange(-size[0] // 2 + 1, size[0] // 2) for i in range(len(size))]
keys = itertools.product(*keys)
return {tuple(k): ifft_array[tuple(k)] for k in keys}
from itertools import product
import numpy as np
from import fermi_on_grid
from pymf.tb.transforms import tb_to_khamvector
from meanfi.tb.tb import _tb_type
from import fermi_on_kgrid
from meanfi.tb.transforms import tb_to_kgrid
def generate_guess(vectors, ndof, scale=1):
"""Generate guess for a tight-binding model.
def guess_tb(
tb_keys: list[tuple[None] | tuple[int, ...]], ndof: int, scale: float = 1
) -> _tb_type:
"""Generate hermitian guess tight-binding dictionary.
vectors : list
List of hopping vectors.
ndof : int
Number internal degrees of freedom (orbitals),
scale : float
The scale of the guess. Maximum absolute value of each element of the guess.
tb_keys :
List of hopping vectors (tight-binding dictionary keys) the guess contains.
ndof :
Number internal degrees of freedom within the unit cell.
scale :
Scale of the random guess.
guess : tb dictionary
Guess in the form of a tight-binding model.
Hermitian guess tight-binding dictionary.
guess = {}
for vector in vectors:
for vector in tb_keys:
if vector not in guess.keys():
amplitude = scale * np.random.rand(ndof, ndof)
phase = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand(ndof, ndof)
......@@ -40,25 +41,44 @@ def generate_guess(vectors, ndof, scale=1):
return guess
def generate_vectors(cutoff, dim):
"""Generate hopping vectors up to a cutoff.
def generate_tb_keys(cutoff: int, dim: int) -> list[tuple[None] | tuple[int, ...]]:
"""Generate tight-binding dictionary keys up to a cutoff.
cutoff : int
Maximum distance along each direction.
dim : int
Dimension of the vectors.
cutoff :
Maximum distance along each dimension to generate tight-bindign dictionary keys for.
dim :
Dimension of the tight-binding dictionary.
List of hopping vectors.
List of generated tight-binding dictionary keys up to a cutoff.
return [*product(*([[*range(-cutoff, cutoff + 1)]] * dim))]
def calculate_fermi_energy(tb, filling, nk=100):
"""Calculate the Fermi energy for a given filling."""
kham = tb_to_khamvector(tb, nk, ks=None)
def fermi_energy(tb: _tb_type, filling: float, nk: int = 100):
Calculate the Fermi energy of a given tight-binding dictionary.
tb :
Tight-binding dictionary.
filling :
Number of particles in a unit cell.
Used to determine the Fermi level.
nk :
Number of k-points in a grid to sample the Brillouin zone along each dimension.
If the system is 0-dimensional (finite), this parameter is ignored.
Fermi energy.
kham = tb_to_kgrid(tb, nk)
vals = np.linalg.eigvalsh(kham)
return fermi_on_grid(vals, filling)
return fermi_on_kgrid(vals, filling)
......@@ -2,12 +2,14 @@
import numpy as np
import pytest
from pymf.kwant_helper import kwant_examples, utils
from pymf.model import Model
from pymf.solvers import solver
from pymf.tb.tb import add_tb
from pymf.tb.transforms import tb_to_khamvector
from pymf.tb.utils import generate_guess
from meanfi.kwant_helper import kwant_examples, utils
from meanfi import (
def compute_gap(tb, fermi_energy=0, nk=100):
......@@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ def compute_gap(tb, fermi_energy=0, nk=100):
gap : float
Indirect gap.
kham = tb_to_khamvector(tb, nk, ks=None)
kham = tb_to_kgrid(tb, nk)
vals = np.linalg.eigvalsh(kham)
emax = np.max(vals[vals <= fermi_energy])
......@@ -35,7 +37,7 @@ def compute_gap(tb, fermi_energy=0, nk=100):
return np.abs(emin - emax)
repeat_number = 10
repeat_number = 5
# %%
graphene_builder, int_builder = kwant_examples.graphene_extended_hubbard()
h_0 = utils.builder_to_tb(graphene_builder)
......@@ -72,12 +74,10 @@ def gap_prediction(U, V):
nk = 40
h_int = utils.builder_to_tb(int_builder, params)
guess = generate_guess(frozenset(h_int), len(list(h_0.values())[0]))
guess = guess_tb(frozenset(h_int), len(list(h_0.values())[0]))
model = Model(h_0, h_int, filling)
mf_sol = solver(
model, guess, nk=nk, optimizer_kwargs={"verbose": True, "M": 0, "f_tol": 1e-8}
mf_sol = solver(model, guess, nk=nk, optimizer_kwargs={"M": 0, "f_tol": 1e-8})
gap = compute_gap(add_tb(h_0, mf_sol), nk=200)
# Check if the gap is predicted correctly
# %%
import numpy as np
import pytest
from meanfi import (
from meanfi.tb.utils import generate_tb_keys
# %%
def total_energy(ham_tb, rho_tb):
return np.real(expectation_value(rho_tb, ham_tb))
# %%
U0 = 1
filling = 2
nk = 10
repeat_number = 3
ndof = 4
cutoff = 1
# %%
def mf_rescaled(alpha, mf0, h0):
hamiltonian = add_tb(h0, scale_tb(mf0, alpha))
rho, _ = density_matrix(hamiltonian, filling=filling, nk=nk)
hamiltonian = add_tb(h0, scale_tb(mf0, np.sign(alpha)))
return total_energy(hamiltonian, rho)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", range(repeat_number))
def test_mexican_hat(seed):
h0s = []
h_ints = []
for ndim in np.arange(4):
keys = generate_tb_keys(cutoff, ndim)
h0s.append(guess_tb(keys, ndof))
h_int = guess_tb(keys, ndof)
h_int[keys[len(keys) // 2]] += U0
for h0, h_int in zip(h0s, h_ints):
guess = guess_tb(frozenset(h_int), ndof)
_model = Model(h0, h_int, filling=filling)
mf_sol_groundstate = solver(
_model, mf_guess=guess, nk=nk, optimizer_kwargs={"M": 0}
alphas = np.random.uniform(0, 50, 100)
alphas = np.where(alphas == 1, 0, alphas)
assert np.all(
mf_rescaled(alphas, mf0=mf_sol_groundstate, h0=h0)
> mf_rescaled(np.array([1]), mf0=mf_sol_groundstate, h0=h0)