What is MeanFi
is a Python package that performs self-consistent Hartree-Fock calculations on tight-binding models.
It aims to find the groundstate of a Hamiltonian with density-density interactions
\hat{H} = \hat{H_0} + \hat{V} = \sum_{ij} h_{ij} c^\dagger_{i} c_{j} + \frac{1}{2} \sum_{ij} v_{ij} \hat{n}_i \hat{n}_j,
and computes the mean-field correction \hat{V}_{\text{MF}} which approximates the interaction term:
\hat{V} \approx \hat{V}_{\text{MF}} = \sum_{ij} \tilde{v}_{ij} c^\dagger_{i} c_{j}.
For more details, refer to the theory overview and algorithm description.
How to use The calculation of a mean-field Hamiltonian is a simple 3-step process:
To specify the interacting problem, use a
object which collects:- Non-interacting Hamiltonian as a tight-binding dictionary.
- Interaction Hamiltonian as a tight-binding dictionary.
- Particle filling number in the unit cell.
Construct a starting guess for the mean-field correction.
Solve for the mean-field correction using the
function and add it to the non-interacting part to obtain the total mean-field Hamiltonian.
import meanfi
h_0 = {(0,) : onsite, (1,) : hopping, (-1,) : hopping.T.conj()}
h_int = {(0,) : onsite_interaction}
model = meanfi.Model(h_0, h_int, filling=2)
guess = meanfi.guess_tb(guess_hopping_keys, ndof)
mf_correction = meanfi.solver(model, guess)
h_mf = meanfi.add_tb(h_0, mf_correction)
For more details and examples on how to use the package, we refer to the tutorials.
Why Here is why you should use MeanFi
The workflow is straightforward. Interface with
allows easy creation of complicated tight-binding systems and interactions. -
's code is structured to be easy to understand, modify and extend. -
Optimized numerical workflow
Introduces minimal overhead to the calculation of the mean-field Hamiltonian.
doesn't do (yet)
What Here are some features that are not yet implemented but are planned for future releases:
- Superconductive order parameters. Mean-field Hamiltonians do not include pairing terms.
- General interactions. We allow only density-density interactions (e.g. Coulomb) which can be described by a second-order tensor.
- Temperature effects. Density matrix calculations are done at zero temperature.
pip install meanfi
Citing If you have used MeanFi
for work that has led to a scientific publication, please cite us as:
author = {Vilkelis, Kostas and Zijderveld, R. Johanna and Akhmerov, Anton R. and Manesco, Antonio L.R.},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.11149850},
month = {5},
title = {MeanFi},
year = {2024}