- Feb 25, 2019
Christoph Groth authored
In order not to complicate the licensing situation of Kwant proper, the new logo will be maintained in a separate repository.
- Feb 22, 2019
Pablo Piskunow authored
- Feb 20, 2019
- Feb 17, 2019
Joseph Weston authored
This is a partial application of the changeset proposed in kwant/kwant!274, which removes the need for a 'conftest.py', instead using 'pytest.importorskip'. We apply this change only to 'qsymm', as applying this change elsewhere requires rethinking where tests are put in the package structure of Kwant. This minimal change allows us to build packages for Conda and Debian, which is necessary for releasing Kwant 1.4.
Christoph Groth authored
This allows subclassing of operators by third party libraries (e.g. tkwant).
- Feb 15, 2019
Joseph Weston authored
This shouldn't be a problem, but sphinx complains.
Joseph Weston authored
Joseph Weston authored
Joseph Weston authored
'temp' is too short a parameter name, especially for an API, and could be confused with 'temporary'.
Joseph Weston authored
Joseph Weston authored
Joseph Weston authored
Deprecate 'args' parameter in favor of 'params' Closes #272 See merge request kwant/kwant!280
Joseph Weston authored
Joseph Weston authored
Some tests are explicitly checking the use of 'args' against the use of 'params', so these we leave in and instead suppress the warnings.
Joseph Weston authored
Additionally update all associated docstrings to say that 'args' is deprecated in favor of 'params'.
Joseph Weston authored
Also implement a specialization of this decorator for the 'args' parameter, so as to avoid boilerplate (i.e. redefining the help string everywhere the decorator is used). The deprecation decorator can also be called directly with no parameters to raise the warning. This is necessary because methods of Cython cdef classes do not seem to play well with this decorator (even after applying @cython.bind(True)), so we need to call it directly from the body of the method.
Joseph Weston authored
This allows third party modules to subclass Kwant's cdef classes. https://cython.readthedocs.io/en/latest/src/userguide/sharing_declarations.html#search-paths-for-definition-files
Joseph Weston authored
This means we don't need to create a dummy class that implements __get__ just so we can use hamiltonian_submatrix as a method.
Christoph Groth authored
- Feb 14, 2019
Christoph Groth authored
Joseph Weston authored
Closes #270.
Joseph Weston authored
add 'parameters' property to finalized systems, and use this new API to check when users forget parameters. See merge request kwant/kwant!275
Joseph Weston authored
Joseph Weston authored
Joseph Weston authored
Also require that 'leads' of FiniteSystems have a 'parameters' property.
Joseph Weston authored
Specifically: finalized Builder, PrecalculatedLead, ModesLead and SelfEnergyLead This can be used to inspect the parameters on which a system depends, and can be later used to give more informative error messages. Adding 'parameters' to ModesLead and SelfEnergyLead is strictly a backwards-incompatible change, however this is an advanced feature of Kwant and we don't want to let this block adding 'parameters' to the system API.
- Feb 12, 2019
Joseph Weston authored
Closes #263.
Also correctly select random sites without repetitions. Closes issue #265.
Joseph Weston authored
This was committed by mistake during debugging.
Christoph Groth authored
- Feb 11, 2019
Christoph Groth authored
Joseph Weston authored
Joseph Weston authored
Christoph Groth authored
- Feb 09, 2019
Anton Akhmerov authored
Anton Akhmerov authored
- Feb 08, 2019
Anton Akhmerov authored
The build process uses a recipe from a separate repository, which was not updated for a while. Instead we should be calling conda-build directly. However this may be done separately.
Anton Akhmerov authored
Joseph Weston authored
The old 'toolchain' package has been removed from the conda-forge channel, and the 'gcc' package has no builds for Linux (several non-authoratative sources say that it is "deprecated"), and it seems that the toolchain3 package provides the necessary compilers