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Fix inconsistency in sympy symbols in Models

Merged Dániel Varjas requested to merge ham_gen_fix into stable-1.2
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from copy import deepcopy
import tinyarray as ta
from .linalg import matrix_basis, nullspace, sparse_basis, family_to_vectors, rref, allclose
from .model import Model, BlochModel, _commutative_momenta, e, I
from .model import Model, BlochModel, BlochCoeff, _commutative_momenta, e, I
from .groups import PointGroupElement, ContinuousGroupGenerator, generate_group
from . import kwant_continuum
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ def continuum_hamiltonian(symmetries, dim, total_power, all_powers=None,
Allowed powers of the momentum variables in the continuum Hamiltonian listed
for each spatial direction. If an integer is given, all powers below it are
included as well. If a list of integers is given, only these powers are used.
momenta : list of int or list of Sympy objects
Indices of momenta from ['k_x', 'k_y', 'k_z'] or a list of names for the
momentum variables. Default is ['k_x', 'k_y', 'k_z'].
momenta : iterable of strings or Sympy symbols
Names of momentum variables, default ``['k_x', 'k_y', 'k_z']`` or
corresponding sympy symbols.
sparse_linalg : bool
Whether to use sparse linear algebra. Using sparse solver can result in
performance increase for large, highly constrained families,
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ def hamiltonian_from_family(family, coeffs=None, nsimplify=True, tosympy=True):
if coeffs is None:
coeffs = list(sympy.symbols('c0:%d'%len(family), real=True))
coeffs = list(sympy.symbols('c0:%d'%len(family)))
assert len(coeffs) == len(family), 'Length of family and coeffs do not match.'
# The order of multiplication is important here, so that __mul__ of 'term'
@@ -571,6 +571,7 @@ def symmetrize_monomial(monomial, symmetries):
def bloch_family(hopping_vectors, symmetries, norbs, onsites=True,
symmetrize=True, prettify=True, num_digits=10,
"""Generate a family of symmetric Bloch-Hamiltonians.
@@ -589,9 +590,12 @@ def bloch_family(hopping_vectors, symmetries, norbs, onsites=True,
norbs : OrderedDict : {site : norbs_site} or tuple of tuples ((site, norbs_site), )
sites are ordered in the order specified, with blocks of size norbs_site
corresponding to each site.
onsites : bool
onsites : bool, default True
Whether to include on-site terms consistent with the symmetry.
symmetrize : bool
momenta : iterable of strings or Sympy symbols
Names of momentum variables, default ``['k_x', 'k_y', 'k_z']`` or
corresponding sympy symbols.
symmetrize : bool, default True
Whether to use the symmetrization strategy. This does not require
a full set of hoppings to start, all symmetry related hoppings
are generated. Otherwise the constraining strategy is used, this does
@@ -670,16 +674,22 @@ def bloch_family(hopping_vectors, symmetries, norbs, onsites=True,
n, m = norbs[a], norbs[b]
block_basis = np.eye(n*m, n*m).reshape((n*m, n, m))
block_basis = np.concatenate((block_basis, 1j*block_basis))
# Hopping direction in real space
# Dot product with momentum vector
phase = sum([coordinate * momentum for coordinate, momentum in
zip(vec, _commutative_momenta[:dim])])
factor = e**(I*phase)
if bloch_model:
bloch_coeff = BlochCoeff(np.array(vec), sympy.sympify(1))
# Hopping direction in real space
# Dot product with momentum vector
phase = sum([coordinate * momentum for coordinate, momentum in
zip(vec, momenta[:dim])])
factor = e**(I*phase)
hopfamily = []
for mat in block_basis:
matrix = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=complex)
matrix[ranges[a], ranges[b]] = mat
term = Model({factor: matrix}, momenta=('k_x', 'k_y', 'k_z')[:dim])
if bloch_model:
term = BlochModel({bloch_coeff: matrix}, momenta=momenta[:dim])
term = Model({factor: matrix}, momenta=momenta[:dim])
term = term + term.T().conj()
# If there are conserved quantities, constrain the hopping, it is assumed that
@@ -687,10 +697,6 @@ def bloch_family(hopping_vectors, symmetries, norbs, onsites=True,
if conserved:
hopfamily = constrain_family(conserved, hopfamily)
# Use BlochModel objects instead of Model.
if bloch_model:
family = [BlochModel(member, momenta=member.momenta) for
member in family]
if symmetrize:
# Make sure that group is generated while keeping track of unitary part.
for g in pg: