- Dec 15, 2019
Kelvin Loh authored
Raises a RuntimeError when incompatible inputs are provided to the plot function using the plotly backend.
Kelvin Loh authored
Kelvin Loh authored
Kelvin Loh authored
Kelvin Loh authored
Kelvin Loh authored
Called once during setting of plotly backend.
Kelvin Loh authored
Kelvin Loh authored
Kelvin Loh authored
Kelvin Loh authored
Kelvin Loh authored
- Dec 13, 2019
Joseph Weston authored
make _normalize_matrix_blocks check number of orbitals Closes #346 See merge request kwant/kwant!349
- Dec 12, 2019
Joseph Weston authored
Joseph Weston authored
This test was previously incorrect, but because we didn't actually check the number of orbitals on constant values on finalization this was not caught.
Joseph Weston authored
We allow the function that produced the data to be passed to '_normalize_matrix_blocks', and any error messages are augmented with this information. This may prove useful for debugging.
Joseph Weston authored
Joseph Weston authored
Previously these 2 steps were done in one pass. Now we separate them out in order to facilitate augnmenting the verification to include checking the number of orbitals (in future commits).
Joseph Weston authored
These will be needed later when verifying that constant values have the correct shape.
Joseph Weston authored
It is only used in the tests anyway. This way we export less API from the builder module.
- Dec 10, 2019
Joseph Weston authored
add a test for invalid value functions See merge request kwant/kwant!347
Joseph Weston authored
Previously we would use '*_term_parameters', as returned by '_make_*_terms', however this was polluted with Exceptions. Instead we modify '_make_*_terms' so that it does not return this confusing object and use 'terms' directly, which are guaranteed to either have a valid set of 'parameters' or 'None'.
Joseph Weston authored
Note that we only raise an error if 'params' is specified. This may actually be incorrect; if we have a keyword-only parameter, for example then the way in which we call the value function will always produce an error, regardless of whether 'params' is specified or not.
Joseph Weston authored
implement vectorized value broadcasting Closes #342 See merge request kwant/kwant!346
Joseph Weston authored
This is shorter but no less clear.
Joseph Weston authored
When a value function returns a single scalar or a matrix, we reshape and repeat this value to obtain the required 3-axis array.
Joseph Weston authored
We want to enable: single scalars (norbs=1) or matrices (norbs>1), functions returning single scalars or matrices, or functions returning vectors of single scalars or matrices.
Joseph Weston authored
make system terms immutable See merge request kwant/kwant!348
Joseph Weston authored
Joseph Weston authored
It is very easy to accidentally modify the subgraphs in place, which should not be possible
Joseph Weston authored
Finalized Builders store negative term numbers associated with edges in the graph whose reverse we must compute using 'hamiltonian_term'. If we are not careful people may use these negative term numbers with 'hamiltonian_submatrix'.
Joseph Weston authored
vectorized operators Closes #318 See merge request kwant/kwant!337
Joseph Weston authored
Joseph Weston authored
Joseph Weston authored
We get rid of '_is_herm_conj' in favour of '_is_hermitian', replace '_check_ham' with '_check_hams' (which works on vectorized values) and add '_check_onsites' (which also works on vectorized values). Replace absolute value calculation with call to 'cabs' from 'complex.h'
Joseph Weston authored
This includes the following changes: + Group the elements of 'where' according to the term/site-families they belong to. This is pre-computed and stored in '_terms'. What specifically is stored depends on whether vectorization is enabled. + BlockSparseMatrix now takes its matrix elements as a sequence of pairs 'which, data', where 'which' indexes 'where'. This leverages the values stored in '_terms'. + Normalize 'onsite' to a function that takes 'site_range' (int) and 'site_offsets' (array of int). This facilitates vectorization when it is enabled. Previously 'onsite' was normalized to a function taking 'site' (int), which was not vectorizable. + '_eval_onsite' is modified to compose components of '_terms' with 'onsite'. + '_eval_hamiltonian' is modified to compose compoenents of '_terms' with 'hamiltonian_term' when vectorized, or 'hamiltonian' when not vectorized.
Joseph Weston authored
It is not clear how this will be implemented right now.
Joseph Weston authored
The next commit(s) will implement the necessary changes to the operator module to make this test pass.
Joseph Weston authored
We will need this normalization in several places, and it is more general than *just* Hamiltonian terms.
- Dec 06, 2019
Joseph Weston authored
This is the canonical way of checking if a system exposes vectorization capabilities.