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  • kwant/website
  • jbweston/website
  • basnijholt/website
  • r-j-skolasinski/website
  • marwahaha/website
5 results
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Commits on Source (113)
with 956 additions and 637 deletions
image: kwant/website-deploy
- nikola build
- mkdir -p ~/.ssh
- chmod 700 ~/.ssh
- eval $(ssh-agent -s)
- mkdir -p ~/.ssh && ssh-keyscan >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
- echo $TEST_WEBSITE_KEY > deploy_key && sed -i 's/\r /\n/g' deploy_key && chmod 600 deploy_key
- echo "$TEST_WEBSITE_KEY" | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add -
- nikola deploy
allow_failure: true
- master
- echo "$MASTER_WEBSITE_KEY" | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add -
- nikola deploy master
- master
......@@ -32,59 +32,10 @@ BLOG_DESCRIPTION = "Kwant project website" # (translatable)
# Currently supported languages are:
# en English
# ar Arabic
# az Azerbaijani
# bg Bulgarian
# ca Catalan
# cs Czech [ALTERNATIVELY cz]
# da Danish
# de German
# el Greek [NOT gr]
# eo Esperanto
# es Spanish
# et Estonian
# eu Basque
# fa Persian
# fi Finnish
# fr French
# hi Hindi
# hr Croatian
# id Indonesian
# it Italian
# ja Japanese [NOT jp]
# ko Korean
# nb Norwegian Bokmål
# nl Dutch
# pl Polish
# pt_br Portuguese (Brasil)
# ru Russian
# sk Slovak
# sl Slovene
# sr Serbian (Cyrillic)
# sv Swedish
# tr Turkish [NOT tr_TR]
# uk Ukrainian
# ur Urdu
# zh_cn Chinese (Simplified)
# If you want to use Nikola with a non-supported language you have to provide
# a module containing the necessary translations
# (cf. the modules at nikola/data/themes/base/messages/).
# If a specific post is not translated to a language, then the version
# in the default language will be shown instead.
# What is the default language?
# What other languages do you have?
# The format is {"translationcode" : "path/to/translation" }
# the path will be used as a prefix for the generated pages location
# Example for another language:
# "es": "./es",
# What will translated input files be named like?
......@@ -123,11 +74,20 @@ TRANSLATIONS_PATTERN = "{path}.{lang}.{ext}"
("/install.html", "install"),
("/doc", "documentation"),
("/community.html", "community"),
("/authors.html", "authors"),
("/citing.html", "citing")
("/about.html", "<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign visible-xs-inline-block'></i>"
"<span class='hidden-xs'>about</span>"),
("/blog/index.html", "<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-bullhorn visible-xs-inline-block'></i>"
"<span class='hidden-xs'>blog</span>"),
("/install.html", "<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-download visible-xs-inline-block'></i>"
"<span class='hidden-xs'>install</span>"),
("/doc", "<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-book visible-xs-inline-block'></i>"
"<span class='hidden-xs'>documentation</span>"),
("/community.html", "<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-comment visible-xs-inline-block'></i>"
"<span class='hidden-xs'>community</span>"),
("/contribute.html", "<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-wrench visible-xs-inline-block'></i>"
"<span class='hidden-xs'>contribute</span>"),
("/cite", "<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-edit visible-xs-inline-block'></i>"
"<span class='hidden-xs'>cite</span>")
......@@ -152,7 +112,7 @@ TIMEZONE = "UTC"
# Date format used to display post dates.
# (str used by datetime.datetime.strftime)
# DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'
DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d'
# Date format used to display post dates, if local dates are used.
# (str used by moment.js)
......@@ -203,7 +163,9 @@ TIMEZONE = "UTC"
# just independent HTML pages.
POSTS = () # No blog entries yet.
("posts/*.rst", "", "post.tmpl"),
("content/*.rst", "", "story.tmpl"),
......@@ -407,10 +369,28 @@ REDIRECTIONS = []
# to `nikola deploy`. If no arguments are specified, a preset
# named `default` will be executed. You can use as many presets
# in a `nikola deploy` command as you like.
# rsync is used to send documentation to our web servers: we never send any
# secret information, and using 'ssh-keyscan' causes the CI server's IP to
# be blacklisted, so we specify "StrictHostKeyChecking=no".
SSH_OPTS = ["StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"]
SSH_OPTS = ' '.join('-o ' + opt for opt in SSH_OPTS)
'default': [
"rsync -rav -e 'ssh -i deploy_key' --delete --filter 'P /doc' output/*",
"rsync -av -e 'ssh -i deploy_key' htaccess-apache",
"rsync -rlv -e 'ssh {}' --delete "
"--filter 'P doc/*' --filter 'P extensions/*' output/*"
"rsync -lv -e 'ssh {}' htaccess-apache"
'master': [
"rsync -rlv -e 'ssh {}' --delete "
"--filter 'P doc/*' --filter 'P extensions/*' output/*"
"rsync -lv -e 'ssh {}' htaccess-apache"
......@@ -612,7 +592,7 @@ FAVICONS = (
("icon", "/kwant_icon.png", "32x32"),)
# Show only teasers in the index pages? Defaults to False.
# HTML fragments with the Read more... links.
# The following tags exist and are replaced for you:
......@@ -627,7 +607,7 @@ FAVICONS = (
# }} A literal } (U+007D RIGHT CURLY BRACKET)
# 'Read more...' for the index page, if INDEX_TEASERS is True (translatable)
INDEX_READ_MORE_LINK = '<p class="more"><a href="{link}">{read_more}…</a></p>'
# 'Read more...' for the RSS_FEED, if RSS_TEASERS is True (translatable)
FEED_READ_MORE_LINK = '<p><a href="{link}">{read_more}…</a> ({min_remaining_read})</p>'
......@@ -654,7 +634,7 @@ LICENSE = ""
# A small copyright notice for the page footer (in HTML).
# (translatable)
CONTENT_FOOTER = 'Contents &copy; 2013-{date} <a href="mailto:{email}">{author}</a> {license}'
CONTENT_FOOTER = 'Contents &copy; 2013-{date} <a href="{url}">{author}</a> {license}'
# Things that will be passed to CONTENT_FOOTER.format(). This is done
# for translatability, as dicts are not formattable. Nikola will
......@@ -671,7 +651,7 @@ CONTENT_FOOTER_FORMATS = {
"email": BLOG_EMAIL,
"url": "/authors",
"author": BLOG_AUTHOR,
"date": time.gmtime().tm_year,
"license": LICENSE
......@@ -828,7 +808,7 @@ COPY_SOURCES = False
# By default, Nikola generates RSS files for the website and for tags, and
# links to it. Set this to False to disable everything RSS-related.
# By default, Nikola does not generates Atom files for indexes and links to
# them. Generate Atom for tags by setting TAG_PAGES_ARE_INDEXES to True.
......@@ -837,7 +817,7 @@ COPY_SOURCES = False
# RSS_TEASER option. RSS_LINKS_APPEND_QUERY is also respected. Atom feeds
# are generated even for old indexes and have pagination link relations
# between each other. Old Atom feeds with no changes are marked as archived.
# RSS_LINK is a HTML fragment to link the RSS or Atom feeds. If set to None,
# the base.tmpl will use the feed Nikola generates. However, you may want to
......@@ -912,18 +892,18 @@ BODY_END = """
var _paq = _paq || [];
_paq.push(["setDocumentTitle", document.domain + "/" + document.title]);
_paq.push(["setCookieDomain", "*"]);
_paq.push(["setDomains", ["*","*","*","*"]]);
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_paq.push(["setTrackerUrl", u+"piwik.php"]);
_paq.push(["setSiteId", "1"]);
var d=document, g=d.createElement("script"), s=d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; g.type="text/javascript";
g.defer=true; g.async=true; g.src=u+"piwik.js"; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s);
var u="//";
_paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', u+'piwik.php']);
_paq.push(['setSiteId', 1]);
var d=document, g=d.createElement('script'), s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
g.type='text/javascript'; g.async=true; g.defer=true; g.src=u+'piwik.js'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s);
<noscript><img src=";rec=1" style="border:0" alt="" /></noscript>
<noscript><p><img src="//" style="border:0;" alt="" /></p></noscript>
<!-- End Piwik Code: Analytics are used by us to improve the site, and not sent to anyone. -->
Kwant user survey
The kwant user survey is finished, please use the `mailing list
</community.html>`_ if you would like to leave feedback.
Quantum transport simulations made easy
Kwant is a `free (open source) <>`_ Python
package for numerical calculations on tight-binding models with a strong focus
on quantum transport. It is designed to be flexible and easy to use. Thanks to
the use of innovative algorithms, Kwant is often faster than other available
codes, even those entirely written in the low level FORTRAN and C/C++ languages.
Tight-binding models can describe a vast variety of systems and phenomena in
quantum physics. Therefore, Kwant can be used to simulate metals, graphene,
topological insulators, quantum Hall effect, superconductivity, spintronics,
molecular electronics, any combination of the above, and many other things.
Kwant does not use the traditional input files often found in scientific
software packages. Instead, one writes short programs in the powerful yet
easy-to-learn Python language. These programs define a system and calculate its
quantum properties (conductance, density of states, etc). This workflow can be
summarized as follows:
.. raw:: html
<object type="image/svg+xml" data="kwant-workflow.svgz" class="img-responsive">kwant-workflow.svgz</object>
Kwant was designed to be easy to use: Section 2 of the `Kwant paper
<>`_ contains a
line-by-line walkthrough of a program very similar to the one used to generate
the above image. That complete Python script is 26 lines long (including
Examples of Kwant usage
The following examples are meant to give an overview of what is possible with
Kwant. The tutorial section of `Kwant documentation <doc/1/>`_ and the
`Kwant paper`_ each contain several pedagogical examples with line-by-line
explanations (`zipfile of all examples
Graphene flake
.. raw:: html
<object type="image/svg+xml" class="col-md-4 pull-left img-responsive" data="graphene-edgestate.svgz">graphene-edgestate.svgz</object>
The complete code that constructs the graphene flake shown on the right side is
.. code:: python
def disk(pos):
x, y = pos
return x**2 + y**2 < 8**2
lat = kwant.lattice.honeycomb()
syst = kwant.Builder()
syst[lat.shape(disk, (0, 0))] = 0
syst[lat.neighbors()] = -1
In addition to the flake itself, the image also shows the wave function of a
low energy eigenstate. The size of each circle is proportional to the wave
function probability amplitude on that site. It can be clearly seen that the
wave function is peaked near the zigzag segments of the boundary, as `expected
<>`_ for graphene quantum dots.
Taken from the Kwant `plotting tutorial <doc/1/tutorial/tutorial6.html>`_.
.. class:: row nomargin
Quantum Hall effect
.. raw:: html
<object type="image/svg+xml" class="col-md-4 img-responsive pull-left" data="qhe-edgestate.svgz">qhe-edgestate.svgz</object>
<object type="image/svg+xml" class="col-md-4 img-responsive pull-right" data="qhe-plateaus.svgz">qhe-plateaus.svgz</object>
One of the most common applications of Kwant is to calculate the conductance of
a nanoelectronic system. The plot on the left shows the conductance through a
2-d electron gas as a function of magnetic flux. The quantization of
conductance that is visible (plateaus) is the hallmark of the quantum Hall
effect. The third plateau does not develop due to a constriction in the system
that leads to backscattering. The scattering wave function from the left lead
at magnetic field strength corresponding to the middle of the third QHE plateau
is shown on the right.
Taken from example 6 of the `Kwant paper
.. class:: row
3-d system: Majorana states
.. class:: col-md-4 img-responsive pull-left
.. image:: quantum-wire.png
Kwant allows systems of any dimensionality, for example three-dimensional ones.
This image shows a 3-d model of a semiconducting quantum wire (gray cylinder).
The red region is a tunnel barrier, used to measure tunneling conductance, the
blue region is a superconducting electrode. In this simulated device, a
Majorana bound state appears close to the superconducting-normal interface.
Taken from an unpublished work by S. Mi, A. R. Akhmerov, and M. Wimmer.
.. class:: row
Numerical experiment: flying qubit
.. class:: col-md-4 col-sm-12 img-responsive pull-right
.. image:: flying-qubit.png
Numerical simulations and experimental results for a flying qubit sample made in
a GaAs/GaAlAs heterostrucutre. The Kwant simulations were performed with
particular attention to a realistic model of the confining potential seen by the
electrons. This allows for rather subtle aspects of the experiment could be
reproduced. Such "numerical experiments" can not only be used to interpret the
experimental data but also can help to design the sample geometry and in to
choose the right materials.
Taken from an unpublished work by T. Bautze et al. See Yamamoto et al., `Nature
Nanotechnology 7, 247 (2012) <>`_ for
details about the experiment.
.. class:: row
Conductance of a Corbino disk in a quantum Hall regime
.. raw:: html
<object type="image/svg+xml" class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 img-responsive pull-left" data="corbino-layout.svgz">corbino-layout.svgz</object>
.. class:: col-md-4 col-sm-6 img-responsive pull-right
.. image:: corbino-conductance.png
Transport properties of a Corbino disk across a quantum Hall transition. Left:
geometry of the sample consisting of a ring-shaped two-dimensional electron gas
(grey) in a perpendicular magnetic field. Right: conductance across the
transition, showing quantized conductance peaks.
Taken from I. C. Fulga, F. Hassler, A. R. Akhmerov, C. W. J. Beenakker,
`Phys. Rev. B 84, 245447 (2011)
<>`_; `arXiv:1110.4280
File moved
Getting help, contributing and reporting problems
The Kwant community
General mailing list
The Kwant project is an international collaboration.
Everybody is welcome to participate in the community
by asking and replying to questions, reporting bugs, providing suggestions,
and `contributing to the code and documentation </contribute.html>`_.
The `kwant-discuss
<>`_ mailing list is
the main public communication platform for anything related to Kwant: questions,
bug reports, discussions, and announcements. You can use it in various ways:
The Kwant community uses three public communication channels:
the mailing list for generic discussions, questions, and announcements;
the gitlab instance for development discussions and reporting bugs;
and the chat for real-time discussions related to development.
- .. raw:: html
A list of `Kwant authors </authors>`_ is included in the documentation.
Please contact the authors directly only for matters that cannot be discussed on the public channels.
<form class="form-inline" id="searchgmane" method="get" action="">
<div class="input-group col-md-6">
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search query" size=25 name="query" />
<input type="hidden" name="group" value="" />
<span class="input-group-btn">
<input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" value="Search kwant-discuss" />
- .. raw:: html
Mailing list
<form class="form-inline" method=post action="">
<div class="input-group col-md-6">
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Your email address" name="email" size=25 onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value='Your email address'}" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Your email address') {this.value=''}" />
<span class="input-group-btn">
<input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" name="email-button" value="Subscribe to kwant-discuss" />
The kwant-discuss mailing list is the main public communication platform for anything related to Kwant:
questions, discussions, development, and announcements.
It may be used both as a web forum and as a classical mailing list.
The `kwant-discuss web interface <>`_
allows to follow discussions and search the archives.
To start a new discussion thread, you may either use the web interface
(sign-in required)
or write directly to
In order to avoid spam,
messages of unsubscribed participants are held for moderation.
Similarly, replying is possible either by mail
(if you received the post to which you want reply by mail),
or using the web interface:
the “reply” button under each message allows to compose directly
(for signed-in users),
or triggers a reply by mail (otherwise).
You may subscribe to receive posts to the list by mail.
Subscription is done either through the
`kwant-discuss info page
or by sending any message to
(The subject and content are ignored and may be empty.)
To unsubscribe, either use the info page,
or send any message to
List etiquette :
- When asking questions,
`help others to help you <>`_.
In particular, use the search function before posting.
- When replying, please avoid quoting the complete original message.
Instead, consider
`bottom-posting <>`_.
Announcements mailing list
… and receive new messages with your regular email. (Use the `kwant-discuss options page <>`_ to unsubscribe.)
This read-only list is used for important announcements like new releases of Kwant.
Only a few messages are sent per year.
These announcements are also posted on the main mailing list,
so there is no need to subscribe to both lists.
We recommend every user of Kwant to subscribe at least to this list in order to stay informed about new developments.
- Follow the list through a web interface: `kwant-discuss on Gmane <>`_ or
`kwant-discuss on Mail-archive <>`_.
Gmane allows to write new messages (action: post) and to reply (action: followup).
Both Gmane and Mail-archive provide RSS feeds.
The `kwant-announce archives <>`_
are available on the web.
- Send a message directly to (If you are not
subscribed, it is not guaranteed that any followups will reach you by email,
so you should ask to be CCed.)
To subscribe, either use the form on the `kwant-announce info page <>`_
or simply send any message to
(The subject and content are ignored and may be empty.)
To unsubscribe, either use the info page, or send any message to
Development list
Development chat
Those who are interested (or would like to participate) in the further
development of Kwant are invited to subscribe to the `kwant-devel
<>`_ mailing list.
This is the place for technical discussions about changes to Kwant.
Please do not send bug reports to this list but rather to kwant-discuss.
Kwant-devel works in the same way as kwant-discuss:
- .. raw:: html
<form class="form-inline" id="searchgmane" method="get" action="">
<div class="input-group col-md-6">
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search query" size=25 name="query" />
<input type="hidden" name="group" value="" />
<span class="input-group-btn">
<input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" value="Search kwant-devel" />
- .. raw:: html
<form class="form-inline" method=post action="">
<div class="input-group col-md-6">
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Your email address" name="email" size=25 onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value='Your email address'}" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Your email address') {this.value=''}" />
<span class="input-group-btn">
<input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" name="email-button" value="Subscribe to kwant-devel" />
(Use the `kwant-devel options page <>`_ to unsubscribe.)
- There exist web interfaces: `kwant-devel on Gmane <>`_ and
`kwant-devel on Mail-archive <>`_.
Both provide RSS feeds, Gmane also allows posting through the web interface.
- Message can be sent directly to (If you are not
subscribed, it is not guaranteed that any followups will reach you by email,
so you should ask to be CCed.)
The Kwant developer chat is accessible to the community via `Gitter <>`_.
Come say hi if you would like to get involved with developing Kwant!
Announcements (low-volume)
This read-only list is reserved for important announcements like new releases of
Kwant. Only a few messages will be sent per year. These announcements will be also posted on the main mailing list, so there is no need to subscribe to both lists. We recommend every user of Kwant to subscribe at least to this list in order to stay informed about new developments.
- View archives: `kwant-announce on Gmane <>`_ or `kwant-announce on Mail-archive <>`_. Both Gmane and Mail-archive provide RSS feeds.
- .. raw:: html
<form method=post class="form-inline" action="">
<div class="input-group col-md-6">
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Your email address" name="email" size=25 onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value='Your email address'}" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Your email address') {this.value=''}" />
<span class="input-group-btn">
<input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" name="email-button" value="Subscribe to the announcements" />
Gitlab instance
(Use the `kwant-announce options page <>`_ to unsubscribe.)
The Kwant project runs a `gitlab instance <>`_
that hosts the `main Kwant code repository <>`_
as well as the `repositories of related projects <>`_.
The gitlab instance is used for reporting bugs (see next section) and `development </contribute.html>`_
Reporting bugs
If you encounter a problem with Kwant, first try to reproduce it with as simple
a system as possible. Double-check with the documentation that what you observe
is actually a bug in Kwant. If you think it is, please check whether the problem
is already known by searching the general mailing list. (You may use the search
box at the top of this page.)
If you encounter a problem with Kwant,
first try to reproduce it with as simple a system as possible.
Double-check with the documentation that what you observe is actually a bug in Kwant.
If you think it is, please check `the list of known bugs in Kwant <>`_.
It may be also a good idea to search or ask on the general mailing list.
(You can use the search box at the top of this page.)
If the problem is not known yet, please send a bug report to A report should contain:
If after checking you still think that you have found a bug, please add it to
the above-mentioned list of bugs by creating an issue with the “bug” label. A
useful bug report should contain:
* The versions of software you are using (Kwant, Python, operating system, etc.)
- The versions of software you are using: Kwant, Python, operating system, etc.
* A description of the problem, i.e. what exactly goes wrong.
- A description of the problem, i.e. what exactly goes wrong. This should
include any relevant error messages.
* Enough information to reproduce the bug, preferably in the form of a simple
- Enough information to reproduce the bug, preferably in the form of a simple
We see Kwant not just as a package with fixed functionality, but rather as a
framework for implementing different physics-related algorithms using a common
set of concepts and, if possible, a shared interface. We have designed it
leaving room for growth, and plan to keep extending it.
External contributions to Kwant are highly welcome. You can help to advance
the project not only by writing code, but also by reporting bugs, and
fixing/improving the documentation.
If you have some code that works well with Kwant, or extends it in some useful
way, please consider sharing it. Any external contribution will be clearly
marked as such, and relevant papers will be added to the list of `suggested
acknowledgements </citing.html>`_. The complete development history is also
made available through a `web interface <>`_.
If you plan to contribute, it is best to coordinate with us in advance either
through the general mailing list, or directly at for matters that you prefer to not discuss publicly.
How to contribute
We use the version control system `Git <>`_ to coordinate the
development of Kwant. If you are new to Git, we invite you to learn its basics.
(There's a plethora of information available on the Web.) Kwant's Git
repository contains not only the source code, but also all of the reference
documentation and the tutorial.
It is best to base your work on the latest version of Kwant::
git clone
Then you can build Kwant and the documentation as
described in the `build instructions
The Kwant git repository has two main branches: The branch *master*
contains the development towards the next release. The branch *stable* contains
the most recent release that is considered stable, and only bugfixes are applied
to it.
We recommend that you keep your changes on a separate `topic branch
that starts at *master*. To create such a branch, use the command::
git checkout -b my_topic_branch master
Once you have something that you would like to share, let us know about it by
posting to We are happy to receive useful
contributions in any reasonable way: you can send patches to the mailing list,
make your git repository available on the web (you could use a service like
github), or even directly send the file that you modified.
The recommended way is sending patches to the mailing list. (This avoids
confusion by publishing unfinished git branches and allows code review.) See
this `example of usage
and this `git send-email howto
it’s easy.
Some things to keep in mind:
* Please keep the code consistent by adhering to the prevailing naming and
formatting conventions. We generally follow the `"Style Guide for Python
Code" <>`_ For docstrings, we follow
`NumPy's "Docstring Standard"
<>`_ and
`Python's "Docstring Conventions"
* Write tests for all the important functionality you add. Be sure not to
break existing tests.
* Create a logical sequence of commits with clear commit messages.
A useful trick for working on the source code is to build in-place so that there
is no need to re-install after each change. This can be done with the following
command ::
python build_ext -i --cython
The ``kwant`` subdirectory of the source distribution will be thus turned into
a proper Python package that can be imported. To be able to import Kwant from
within Python, one can either work in the root directory of the distribution
(where the subdirectory ``kwant`` is located), or make a (symbolic) link from
somewhere in the Python search path to the the package subdirectory.
The option ``--cython`` enables the translation of .pyx files into .c files.
It is only needed if any .pyx files have been modified.
Contributing to Kwant
We see Kwant not just as a package with fixed functionality, but rather as a
framework for implementing different physics-related algorithms using a common
set of concepts. Contributions to Kwant are highly welcome. You can help the
project not only by writing code, but also by reporting bugs, and
fixing/improving the website and the documentation.
Where help is needed
The `Kwant issue tracker
<>`_ serves to track bugs
in Kwant, but most issues are in fact ideas for enhancements. The issues are
categorized with labels, so that it is possible to view `all the “easy” issues
for example.
Please do feel free to enter new issues yourself. If you are unsure about some aspect It may be a good idea to discuss your idea on the mailing list before filing an issue.
If you already have some code that extends Kwant in a useful way, please
consider sharing it. If your extension fits well with Kwant and is of wide
enough interest, we will be happy to include it into Kwant proper. For more
specialized cases, we will find a solution as well. (We could, for example,
add a list of Kwant-related modules to this website.) In any case, external
contributions will be clearly marked as such, and relevant papers will be
added to the list of `suggested acknowledgements </cite.html>`_.
Getting the source code
The source code of released versions of Kwant is available for `download
<>`_. You can follow the development
through the `Kwant page of our GitLab instance
<>`_. The `Git
<>`_ repository of Kwant can be cloned directly with the
command ::
git clone
The Kwant git repository has two main branches: The branch *master*
contains the development towards the next release. The branch *stable* contains
the most recent release that is considered stable, and only bugfixes are applied
to it.
Setting up for development
When working with the Kwant source, regular `build instructions
</doc/1/pre/install.html#building-and-installing-from-source>`_ apply. It
would be tiresome, however, to have to reinstall the modified Kwant after each
One easy way to avoid this is to build in-place so that there is no need to
reinstall after each change. This can be done with the following command ::
python3 build_ext -i
No further installation is necessary. The “inner” ``kwant`` subdirectory has
been turned into a proper Python package that can be imported from the “outer”
directory, i.e. the directory where ```` is located. Any script
inside that directory that imports Kwant will get the modified version. (To
be able to import the modified Kwant from another directory one can create a
symbolic link to the package.)
The above ``build_ext`` command does not have to be rerun when a Python file
is modified. Recompilation is only necessary whenever a Cython file
(``.pyx``) has been changed.
Modifying the source code
We recommend that you keep each of your changes to Kwant on a separate “topic
branch” that starts at *master*. Try to not mix up unrelated changes in a
single branch. To create a topic branch, use the command::
git checkout -b my_topic master
Now you can begin to implement your idea. As you go, register your changes
with Git as explained, for example, in the `Pro Git book
that is freely available online.
Once you feel that you would like to show your work to other interested people
(because you would like to receive feedback, or because you consider it
ready), it's time to inspect your branch. Run ``git status`` to make sure
that you have committed all of your changes, then use a tool like ``gitk`` to
view your branch.
In the following, two methods to share your commits are described. The first
will be familiar if you have experience with the popular GitHub service. If
you do not, you might prefer the second method, since it is simpler.
Method 1: Using the Kwant GitLab instance
Go the `GitLab page of the official Kwant repository
<>`_. Since you do not have write
access to this repository, you have to create an own “fork” of it by clicking
on the button just right of the “star” button.
You created a public copy of the Kwant repository that is controlled by you.
Add it as a remote repository to the clone of Kwant on your computer::
git remote add own<USERNAME>/kwant.git
You can copy-and-paste your own version of the above URL from the main page of
your repository. (If you know about SSH, you may also prefer to upload your
public ssh key to GitLab and to use SSH as transport.) The string ``own`` is
the local name you give to the remote, it can be anything.
Now you can push your topic branch to your repository::
git push own my_branch
This will make your branch appear in GitLab. Now you can let us know about
your branch by `creating a merge request in GitLab
<>`_ or by
sending a message to
Method 2: Sending patches to the mailing list
Run the command ::
git format-patch origin/master
This will create a “patch” file for each commit on your branch. Now simply
send these patches as email attachments to,
together with an explanation of your idea. You do not have to be subscribed
to the mailing list.
(Or, even better, use ``git send-email`` as shown in this `example of usage
and this `git send-email howto
Coding style
* Please keep the code consistent by adhering to the prevailing naming and
formatting conventions. We generally respect the `"Style Guide for Python
Code" <>`_. For docstrings, we
follow `NumPy's "Docstring Standard"
<>`_ and
`Python's "Docstring Conventions"
* Write tests for all the important functionality you add. Be sure not to
break existing tests.
* Create a logical sequence of commits with clear commit messages. Each
commit message consists of a summary line, and, whenever necessary, a
more detailed explanation. Both parts are separated by a blank line
and wrapped to 72 characters (unless quoting error messages and such).
The summary line should be as clear as possible. The detailed
explanation should be included whenever it helps to motivate or
understand the commit. Bear in mind that the merge request text and
discussions are not part of a commit.
Tutorial and reference manual
.. class:: docs-list, button-links
* **Online**:
+ `stable version </doc/1/>`_
+ `development version </doc/dev/>`_
* **Downloads**:
+ `PDF <>`_
+ `zipped HTML <>`_
Interactive online course
The APS March meeting 2016 tutorial “Introduction to Computational Quantum Nanoelectronics” focuses on the physics, but also serves as a crash course on Kwant. `All the materials are available online </mm16.html>`_ and can be run directly in a web browser, without installing Kwant locally.
.. raw:: html
A brief video introduction of Kwant:
<a href="kwant-screencast-2014.html">watch</a>,
<a href="" download>download</a>.
Tutorial and Manual
* `Browse online </doc/1/>`_,
* `download PDF <>`_,
* `download zipped HTML
<>`_ (for reading
without web access).
<ul class="button-links inline-list">
<li> <a href="kwant-screencast-2014.html">watch</a> </li>
<li> <a href="" download>download</a> </li>
This paper (`download PDF <>`__) introduces Kwant in a more systematic way and discusses its design and performance (`New J. Phys. 16, 063065 (2014) <>`_).
This paper (`download PDF <>`__) introduces Kwant in a systematic way and discusses its design and performance (`New J. Phys. 16, 063065 (2014) <>`_).
Kwant extensions
Going beyond the core package, there are several tools that extend Kwant in useful ways.
You can check these out below.
If you have some re-usable code that you think would be useful to the wider Kwant community,
post to the `Kwant development mailing list <>`_ with a
link to the code and a couple of sentences describing it, and we'll add it to this page.
Semicon: k·p simulations made easy
**Get the code**:
A package of tools for doing k·p simulations. Contains: model definitions, material parameters,
and helper functions for generating template Kwant systems.
Generating quasicrystals
**Get the code**:
Code for reproducing numerics from the paper "`Aperiodic Weak Topological Superconductors <>`_"
by Fulga et al.
Contains functionality for building 2D Ammann-Beenker tilings, an example of a quasicrystal, and
Kwant systems constructed from such tilings.
Time-dependent transport
**Get the code**:
A package for defining time-dependent systems with Kwant, and calculating
time-dependent quantities. Details of the algorithm can be found in the
following two papers:
+ `Towards realistic time-resolved simulations of quantum devices <>`_
+ `Numerical simulations of time resolved quantum electronics <>`_
Qsymm: Symmetry finder and symmetric Hamiltonian generator
**Get the code**:
A package that makes symmetry analysis simple. It automatically generates model Hamiltonians from symmetry constraints and finds the full symmetry group of your Hamiltonian. Works with tight-binging and k dot p Hamiltonians and supports all kinds of symmetries, including conserved quantities, space group symmetries, time reversal, particle-hole and all combinations of these.
+ `Qsymm: algorithmic symmetry finding and symmetric Hamiltonian generation <>`_
Quantum transport simulations made easy
.. class:: alert alert-info
Kwant is a `free (open source) <>`_ Python
package for numerical calculations on tight-binding models with a strong focus
on quantum transport. It is designed to be flexible and easy to use. Thanks to
the use of innovative algorithms, Kwant is often faster than other available
codes, even those entirely written in the low level FORTRAN and C/C++ languages.
Tight-binding models can describe a vast variety of systems and phenomena in
quantum physics. Therefore, Kwant can be used to simulate metals, graphene,
topological insulators, quantum Hall effect, superconductivity, spintronics,
molecular electronics, any combination of the above, and many other things.
Kwant does not use the traditional input files often found in scientific
software packages. Instead, one writes short programs in the powerful yet
easy-to-learn Python language. These programs define a system and calculate its
quantum properties (conductance, density of states, etc). This workflow can be
summarized as follows:
.. raw:: html
<object type="image/svg+xml" data="kwant-workflow.svgz" width="100%">kwant-workflow.svgz</object>
Kwant was designed to be easy to use: Section 2 of the `Kwant paper
<>`_ contains a
line-by-line walkthrough of a program very similar to the one used to generate
the above image. That complete Python script is 26 lines long (including
Examples of Kwant usage
The following examples are meant to give an overview of what is possible with
Kwant. The tutorial section of `Kwant documentation <doc/1.0/>`_ and the
`Kwant paper`_ each contain several pedagogical examples with line-by-line
explanations (`zipfile of all examples
.. class:: row nomargin
Graphene flake
.. raw:: html
<object type="image/svg+xml" class="col-md-4 img-responsive" data="graphene-edgestate.svgz">graphene-edgestate.svgz</object>
.. container:: col-md-8
The complete code that constructs the graphene flake shown on the right side is
.. code:: python
def disk(pos):
x, y = pos
return x**2 + y**2 < 8**2
<div class="workflow-image">
<object type="image/svg+xml" data="kwant-workflow.svgz" class="img-responsive">kwant-workflow.svgz</object>
lat = kwant.lattice.honeycomb()
sys = kwant.Builder()
sys[lat.shape(disk, (0, 0))] = 0
sys[lat.neighbors()] = -1
In addition to the flake itself, the image also shows the wave function of a
low energy eigenstate. The size of each circle is proportional to the wave
function probability amplitude on that site. It can be clearly seen that the
wave function is peaked near the zigzag segments of the boundary, as `expected
<>`_ for graphene quantum dots.
Taken from the Kwant `plotting tutorial <doc/1.0/tutorial/tutorial6.html>`_.
.. class:: row nomargin
Quantum Hall effect
Kwant is a `free (open source) <>`_,
powerful, and easy to use Python package for numerical calculations on tight-binding
models with a strong focus on quantum transport.
.. raw:: html
<object type="image/svg+xml" class="col-md-4 img-responsive" data="qhe-edgestate.svgz">qhe-edgestate.svgz</object>
.. container:: col-md-4
One of the most common applications of Kwant is to calculate the conductance of
a nanoelectronic system. The plot on the left shows the conductance through a
2-d electron gas as a function of magnetic flux. The quantization of
conductance that is visible (plateaus) is the hallmark of the quantum Hall
effect. The third plateau does not develop due to a constriction in the system
that leads to backscattering. The scattering wave function from the left lead
at magnetic field strength corresponding to the middle of the third QHE plateau
is shown on the right.
<div id="recent-posts" class="section col-sm-6">
<h2> Recent blog posts </h2>
Taken from example 6 of the `Kwant paper
.. post-list::
:stop: 4
.. raw:: html
<object type="image/svg+xml" class="col-md-4 img-responsive" data="qhe-plateaus.svgz">qhe-plateaus.svgz</object>
.. class:: row nomargin
3-d system: Majorana states
.. class:: col-md-4
.. class:: img-responsive
.. image:: quantum-wire.png
.. container:: col-md-8
Kwant allows systems of any dimensionality, for example three-dimensional ones.
This image shows a 3-d model of a semiconducting quantum wire (gray cylinder).
The red region is a tunnel barrier, used to measure tunneling conductance, the
blue region is a superconducting electrode. In this simulated device, a
Majorana bound state appears close to the superconducting-normal interface.
Taken from an unpublished work by S. Mi, A. R. Akhmerov, and M. Wimmer.
.. class:: row nomargin
Numerical experiment: flying qubit
.. container:: col-md-8
Numerical simulations and experimental results for a flying qubit sample made in
a GaAs/GaAlAs heterostrucutre. The Kwant simulations were performed with
particular attention to a realistic model of the confining potential seen by the
electrons. This allows for rather subtle aspects of the experiment could be
reproduced. Such "numerical experiments" can not only be used to interpret the
experimental data but also can help to design the sample geometry and in to
choose the right materials.
Taken from an unpublished work by T. Bautze et al. See Yamamoto et al., `Nature
Nanotechnology 7, 247 (2012) <>`_ for
details about the experiment.
.. class:: col-md-4
.. class:: img-responsive
.. image:: flying-qubit.png
.. class:: row nomargin
Conductance of a Corbino disk in a quantum Hall regime
.. raw:: html
<object type="image/svg+xml" class="col-md-4 img-responsive" data="corbino-layout.svgz">corbino-layout.svgz</object>
.. container:: col-md-4
Transport properties of a Corbino disk across a quantum Hall transition. Left:
geometry of the sample consisting of a ring-shaped two-dimensional electron gas
(grey) in a perpendicular magnetic field. Right: conductance across the
transition, showing quantized conductance peaks.
Taken from I. C. Fulga, F. Hassler, A. R. Akhmerov, C. W. J. Beenakker,
`Phys. Rev. B 84, 245447 (2011)
<>`_; `arXiv:1110.4280
.. class:: col-md-4
.. class:: img-responsive
.. image:: corbino-conductance.png
<div id="kwant-uses" class="section col-sm-5">
<h2> Use Kwant to... </h2>
<ul id="kwant-uses-list">
<a href="/about#quantum-hall-effect"> Compute differential conductance </a>
<a href="/about#graphene-flake"> Visualize edge states </a>
<a href="/about#numerical-experiment-flying-qubit"> Conduct numerical experiments </a>
<a href="/doc/1/tutorial/spectrum#band-structure-calculations"> Explore band structure </a>
<a href=""> Simulate time-dependent problems </a>
This diff is collapsed.
APS March meeting 2016 tutorial
This page collects materials for the APS March meeting 2016 tutorial “Introduction to Computational Quantum Nanoelectronics” (`announcement <>`_).
The tutorial consists of a set of `Jupyter <>`_ notebooks that combine demonstrations and explainations with exercises. These materials are made available under a `simplified BSD license <>`_.
* `Run the tutorial directly in your web browser <>`_. The Python environment and Kwant will run on a server provided by the `Binder service <>`_.
* `Download everything <>`_ as a single zip archive. Kwant 1.2 or newer is required to execute the notebooks.
* `Browse the git repository <>`_.
This page has been moved to
This page has been moved to
# Use for building and deploying Kwant website
FROM ubuntu:14.04
FROM ubuntu:16.04
MAINTAINER Kwant authors <>
RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y python3-pip git libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev
RUN pip3 install nikola jinja2 webassets
RUN pip3 install nikola jinja2 webassets feedparser
No preview for this file type
......@@ -30,4 +30,18 @@ RewriteRule ^(.*[^/])$ /$1.html [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ /$1 [R=301,L]
Redirect 302 /2015-survey/
Redirect 302 /contact /doc/latest/pre/authors
Redirect 302 /authors /doc/latest/pre/authors
Redirect 302 /citing /doc/latest/pre/citing
Redirect 302 /cite /doc/latest/pre/citing
Redirect 302 /license /doc/latest/pre/license
Redirect 302 /download /install
# Redirect old tutorial URLs to new ones.
# The tutorial numbers refer to the tutorial enumeration in Kwant 1.2.x
Redirect 302 /doc/1/tutorial/tutorial1 /doc/1/tutorial/first_steps
Redirect 302 /doc/1/tutorial/tutorial2 /doc/1/tutorial/spin_potential_shape
Redirect 302 /doc/1/tutorial/tutorial3 /doc/1/tutorial/spectrum
Redirect 302 /doc/1/tutorial/tutorial4 /doc/1/tutorial/graphene
Redirect 302 /doc/1/tutorial/tutorial5 /doc/1/tutorial/superconductor
Redirect 302 /doc/1/tutorial/tutorial6 /doc/1/tutorial/plotting
.. title: Improved web interface for the mailing list
.. slug: improved-interface-for-mailing-list
.. date: 2020-05-28 20:00:00 UTC
.. category:
.. type: text
The Kwant mailing list has been migrated to a new server that provides a much-improved web interface.
In May 2020, thanks to the friendly people at,
kwant-discuss was migrated to a server running Mailman 3.
The list remains a mailing list (existing subscriptions continue),
but now also offers a modern web interface that is similar to a web forum.
The complete archives were migrated and are now searchable.
Please see the `“community” section </community>`_ of this site for usage information.
The `old address of the list <>`_ remains usable: any messages are simply redirected to the new one.
.. title: List of Kwant extensions added to website
.. slug: kwant-extensions
.. date: 2018-03-28 11:56:55 UTC
.. tags:
.. category:
.. link:
.. description:
.. type: text
We have added a `new section to the website </extensions.html>`_
that showcases useful extensions to Kwant that have been made by members of the
While we welcome contributions to the core Kwant package, we realize that
it can be a lot of work to implement something that is both robust enough
and of sufficiently general interest to be added to Kwant directly.
Nevertheless there is a body of existing software that extends Kwant in ways
that could be useful to others in the Kwant community. We hope that providing
a central place for listing these extensions will make them more discoverable
by others.
If you have extended Kwant in some way, please get in touch via the
`kwant-devel <>`_ mailing list!
Happy Kwanting,
Kwant team
.. title: Kwant adds an FAQ to the documentation
.. slug: kwant-faq-intro
.. date: 2017-06-29 07:07:23 UTC
.. tags:
.. category:
.. link:
.. description:
.. type: text
The Kwant team in Grenoble is currently hosting a masters student, Paul Clisson,
who has taken the initiative and written a "Frequently Asked
Questions" (FAQ) section to complement the existing Kwant tutorial; thanks Paul!
A preliminary version of of the FAQ is already available
`here <>`_. Any and all
user feedback is valuable to us, so tell us what you think! You can either join
the `discussion on the mailing
list <>`_
or comment on the open `merge
request <>`_ on
the Kwant gitlab.
Happy Kwanting,
Kwant team
.. title: Release of Kwant 1.3
.. slug: release-of-kwant-13
.. date: 2017-05-24 21:17:10 UTC
.. category: release-announcement
.. type: text
After more than one year of development, we are extremely pleased to announce the release of Kwant 1.3.
Kwant 1.3 supports
* discretizing of continuum Hamiltonians,
* calculating and displaying local densities and currents,
* declaring and using symmetries and conservation laws,
* calculating bulk properties using the kernel polynomial method,
* finalizing builders with multiple translational symmetries,
and has many other improvements that are detailed in the `what's new in Kwant 1.3 </doc/1/pre/whatsnew/1.3>`_ document.
The `installation instructions </install.html>`_ have been updated to explain how to install Kwant 1.3 on computers running GNU/Linux, Mac OS, and Windows. Note that thanks to the package manager Conda it is now much easier to install Kwant under Mac OS and on Unix accounts without root privileges.
The new version is practically 100% backwards-compatible with scripts written for previous versions of Kwant 1.x.
The Kwant team is happy to welcome Joseph Weston as a member. We are also grateful to the many contributors without whom this release would not be nearly as good:
* Jörg Behrmann
* Bas Nijholt
* Michał Nowak
* Viacheslav Ostroukh
* Pablo Pérez Piskunow
* Tómas Örn Rosdahl
* Sebastian Rubbert
* Rafał Skolasiński
* Adrien Sorgniard
We would like to hear your feedback at