- Feb 26, 2018
Joseph Weston authored
Closes #188.
- Feb 23, 2018
Joseph Weston authored
- Feb 16, 2018
Running "kwant.continuum.discretize('k_x**2 + 1')" was resulting in an "AssertionError". This happend because "1 * expr = expr" in SymPy and therefore a wrong argument has been passed to "_read_offset" function.
Joseph Weston authored
While we *may* choose only to specify that finalize() returns a system.Finitesystem (or system.InfiniteSystem), this is probably a bad idea, as the docstring of finalize() is the only place that people can find out about builder.FiniteSystem (which contains the documentation for the 'sites' attribute, for example).
- Feb 08, 2018
Christoph Groth authored
- Feb 07, 2018
Bas Nijholt authored
Bas Nijholt authored
Bas Nijholt authored
- Feb 06, 2018
Christoph Groth authored
Matplotlib backends like PDF cannot display arbitrarily thin lines. That's why kwant.plotter.streamplot simulates thinner lines by blending them into the background. Previously if no lines were blended, i.e. all had the same color value 1, the background color would be used for drawing them instead of the line color.
- Jan 12, 2018
Closes #182
- Jan 11, 2018
Bas Nijholt authored
- Jan 05, 2018
Christoph Groth authored
- Dec 15, 2017
Dániel Varjas authored
This commit fixes the bug in phs_symmetrization when it fails to produce ph eigenstates with PH^2 = +1 when one of the wave functions is mapped exactly onto another one by PH, as in this case the PH symmetrized wf's from the two are identical. This is the case with wfs = np.eye(2) and particle_hole = sigma[1], the second vector returned is an eigenstate with eigenvalue -1 not +1. In general this can be even worse, if there are multiple such vector pairs some vectors may not be ph eigenstates at all. The new code uses an improved version of the matrix square root method from Applied Mathematics and Computation 234 (2014) 380-384. Tests are modified to clear up the random unitary generation process (using kwant.rmt). Tests are now guaranteed to feed orthonormal set of vectors to phs_symmetrization(). Add extra tests for the fully off-diagonal case where the old method fails.
Christoph Groth authored
Previously, in order to not to fix the matplotlib backend, we required users to import matplotlib.pyplot before calling any Kwant plotting functions. This did not have the desired effect, since we did import `matplotlib.backends` and that also fixes the backend. Now, both backends and pyplot are imported at the last possible moment and a warning is emitted if this fixes the backend.
- Dec 13, 2017
Christoph Groth authored
Christoph Groth authored
The problem was introduced in commit 7c802539.
- Dec 08, 2017
Joseph Weston authored
Closes #47.
Joseph Weston authored
Previously it was never made explicit that the current returned from an operator is ordered like the system graph, or that the density is ordered as the sites of the system. Closes #172.
Joseph Weston authored
Backport deprecation warning fixes from 'master' to 'stable' (these changes should have been applied to 'stable' directly).
Joseph Weston authored
Joseph Weston authored
Joseph Weston authored
Joseph Weston authored
The lead does not have connected unit cells and serves no purpose. We also remove the check for the number of 'collections' in the resulting plots, as now both 'syst_2d' and 'syst_3d' produce systems with 2 leads.
Joseph Weston authored
Joseph Weston authored
Joseph Weston authored
Improve mode documentation. See !190 for details.
Joseph Weston authored
Previously the fact that the positive direction of mode velocity is determined by the translational symmetry vector of the system was not made clear in the relevant docstrings. Closes #143.
Joseph Weston authored
Previously it was never explicitly stated that the wavefunctions returned by modes() are only defined over the unit cell of the infinite system. This was confusing, as syst.sites contains not only the unit cell sites, but also the connected sites in neighboring cells. Closes #178.
Joseph Weston authored
As of version 1.1.1 Sympy does not include MutableDenseMatrix in 'all_classes', so expressions containing such terms did not trigger the warning in kwant.continuum.sympify when 'locals' are provided. Closes #180.
- Dec 07, 2017
Joseph Weston authored
Previously, when plotting a 3D system with 'site_size' provided explicity as a sequence, a ValueError would be raised when using '%matplotlib inline' or '%matplotlib notebook' from a Jupyter notebook. We do not add a test for this, because that would require depending on Jupyter. Closes #39.
- Dec 05, 2017
Joseph Weston authored
This backend does not require a display to be connected, which is good for tests. Closes #83.
- Dec 04, 2017
Joseph Weston authored
The lattice constant is never changed from 1, and in addition can be varied independently of the 't' and 'α' parameters; This should not be the case if the model is meant to be derived from a discretization of a continuum model. We remove the lattice constant to limit confusion.
Joseph Weston authored
For a spin-orbit term of the form '-iασ_y∂_x' the hopping for 'HoppingKind((1, 0), lat)' (*from* 'x' *to* 'x + a') is 'iασ_y/2'. Closes #175.
Joseph Weston authored
Previously, an erroneous current was shown at *zero* magnetic field, which was due to a choice of degenerate eigenvalue. Now we evaluate the current and density at finite magnetic field, to demonstrate the intended effect. Closes #150.
A regression in Sympy causes symbols that are invalid identifiers to be created, e.g. '-B_x'. While we cannot fix Sympy's behaviour, we can at least shield our users from its quirks. Closes #179.
- Nov 30, 2017
Joseph Weston authored
Previously, the wording of the explanatory comment above discretized hopping functions was confusing. Now we are clear about where the hopping originates. Fixes #173.
Joseph Weston authored
Improve error message when creating invalid HoppingKinds Closes #147, see !183.
Joseph Weston authored
The test was using a 2D delta with a 3D site family. This was not previously raising an error because the HoppingKind in question was not used for anything (just to test its equality to other HoppingKinds).
Joseph Weston authored